






The first Voyage.

ANNO Dom. 1638. April the 26th being Thursday, I came to Gravesend and went aboard New Supply, alias, the Nicholas of London, Ship of good force, of 300 Tuns burden, carrying 20 Sacre and Minion, man'd with 48 Sailers, the Master Robert Taylor, the Merchant or undertaker Mr. Edward Tinge, with 164 Passengers men, women and children.

At Gravesend I began my Journal, from whence we departed on the 26. of April, about Six of the clock at night, and went down into the Hope.

The 27. being Fryday, we set sail out of the Hope, and about Nine of the clock at night we came to an Anchor in Margaret-Road in three fathom and a half water: by the way we past a States man of war, of 500 Tun, cast away a month before upon the Goodwin, nothing remaining visible above water but her main mast top, 16 of her men were drowned, the raft saved by Fisherman.

The 28. we twined into the Downs, where Captain Clark one of His Majesties Captains in the Navy, came aboard of us in the afternoon, and prest two of our Trumpeters. Here we had good store of Flounders from the Fishermen, new taken out of the Sea and living, which being readily gutted, were fry'd while they were warm: me thoughts I never tasted of a delicater Fish in all my life before.

The Third of May being Ascension day, in the afternoon we weighed out of the Downs, the wind at E. and ran down into Dover Road, and lay by the lee, * whilst they sent the Skiffe ashore for one of the Masters mates: by the way we past Sandwich in the Hope, Sandown-Castle, Deal; So We steered away for Doniesse, from thence we steered S.W. 1/2 S. for the Beachie, about one of the clock at night the wind took us a stayes with a gust, rain, thunder and lightning, and now a Servant of one of the passengers sickned of the small pox.

The Fifth day in the afternoon we Anchored the Isle of Wight W.N.W. 10 leagues off, Beachie E.N.E. 8 leagues off, rode in 32 fathom-water at low water, at 8 of the clock at night the land over the Needles bore N.W. 4 leagues off, we steered W. afore the Start, at noon the Boult was N.W. by W. about 3 1/2 leagues off, we were becalmed from 7 of the clock in the morning, till 12 of the clock at noon, where we took good store of Whitings, and half a score Gurnets, this afternoon an infinite number of Porpices shewed themselves above water round about the Ship, as far as we could kenn, the night proved tempestuous with much lightning and thunder.

The Sixth day being Sunday, at five of the clock at night the Lizard was N.W. by W. 6 leagues off, and the Blackhead which is to the westward of Falmouth was N.W. about 5 leagues off.

The Seventh day the uttermost part of the Silly was N. E. 12 leagues off, and now we began to sail by the logg.

The Eighth day, one Boremans man a passenger was duck'd at the main yards arm (for being drunk with his Masters strong waters which he stole) thrice, and fire given to two whole Sacree, at that instant. Two mighty Whales we now saw, the one spouted water through two great holes in her head into the Air a great height, and making a great noise with puffing and blowing, the Seamen called her a Soutler; the other was further off, about a league from the Ship, fighting with the Sword-fish, and the Flail-fish, whole stroakes with a fin that growes upon her back like a flail, upon the back of the whale, we heard with amazement: when presently some more than half as far again we spied a spout from above, it came pouring down like a River of water; So that if they should light in any Ship, she were in danger to be presently sunk down into the Sea, and falleth with such an extreme violence all whole together as one drop, or as water out of a Vessel, and dured a quarter of an hour, making the Sea to boyle like a pot, and if any Vessel be near, it sucks it in. I saw many of these spouts afterwards at nearer distance. In the afternoon the Mariners struck a Porpisce, called also a Marsovius or Sea-hogg, with an harping Iron, and hoisted her aboard, they cut some of it info thin pieces, and fryed, it tasts like rusty Bacon or hung Beef, if not worse; but the Liver boiled and soused sometime in Vinegar is more grateful to the pallat. About 8 of the clock at night, a flame settled upon the main mast it was about the bigness of a great Candle and is called by our Seamen St. Elmes fire, it comes before a storm, and is commonly thought to be a Spirit; if two appear they prognosticate safety: These are known to the learned by the names of Castor and Pollux, to the Italians by St. Nicholas and St. Hermes, by the Spaniards called Corpos Santos.

The Ninth day, about two of the clock in the afternoon, we found the head of our main mast close to the cap twisted and shivered, and we presently after found the fore-top-mast crackt a little above the cap; So they wolled them both, and about two of the clock in the morning 7 new long Boat oars brake away from our Star-board quarter with a horrid crack.

The Eleventh day, they observed and made the Ship to be in latitude 48 degrees 46 minuts, having a great Sea all night; about 6 of the clock in the morning we spake with Mr. Rupe in a Ship of Dartmouth, which came from Marcelloes; and now is Silly N.E. by E. 34 leagues off; about 9 of the clock at night we founded, and had 85 fathom water, small brownish pepperic sand, with a small piece of Hakes tooth, and now we are 45 leagues off the Lizard, great Seas all night, and now we see to the S.W. six tall Ships, the wind being S.W.

The Twelfth day being WhitSunday, at prayer-time we found the Ships trine a foot by the stern, and also the partie that was sick of the small pox now dyed, whom we buried in the Sea, tying a bullet (as the manner is) to his neck, and another to his leggs, turned him out at a Port-hole, giving fire to a great Gun. In the afternoon one Martin Ivy a stripling, Servant to Captain Thomas Cammock was whipt naked at the Cap-stern, with a Cat with Nine tails, for filching 9 great Lemmons out of the Chirurgeons Cabbin which he eat rinds and all in Iess than an hours time.

The Thirteenth day we took a Sharke, a great one, and hoisted him aboard with his two Companions (for there is never a Sharke, but hath a mate or two ) that is the Pilot-fish or Pilgrim, which lay upon his back close to a long finn; the other fish (somewhat bigger than the Pilot) about two foot long, called a Remora, it hath no scales and sticks close to the Sharkes belly. So the Whale hath the Sea-gudgeon, a small fish for his mate, marching before him, and guiding him; which I have seen likewise. The Seamen divided the Sharke into quarters, and made more quarter about it than the Purser, when he makes five quarters of an Oxe, and after they had cooked him, he proved very rough Grain'd, not worthy of wholesome preferment; but in the afternoon we took store of Bonitoes, or Spanish Dolphins, a fish about the size of a large Mackarel, beautified with admirable varietie of glittering colours in the water, and was excellent food.

The Fourteenth day we spake with a Plimouth man (about dinner time) bound for New-found-land, who having gone up west-ward sprang a leak, and now bore back for Plimouth. Now was Silly 50 leagues off, and now many of the passengers fall sick of the small Pox and Calenture.

The Sixteenth Mr. Clarke, who came out of the Downs with us, and was bound for the Isle of Providence, one of the summer Islands; the Spaniards having taken it a little before, though unknown to Clarke, and to Captain Nathaniel Butler going Governour, they now departed from us the Wind N.W. great Seas and stormie winds all night.

The Seventeenth day, the wind at N.W. about 8 of the clock we saw 5 great Ships bound for the Channel, which was to the Westward of us, about two leagues off, we thought them to be Flemmings; here we expected to have met with Pirates, but were happily deceived.

The One and twentieth day, the wind S. by W. great Seas and Wind fu'd our courses, and tryed from 5 of the clock afternoon, till 4 in the morning, the night being very stormie and dark; we lost Mr. Grodlad and his Ship, who came out with us, and bound for Boston in New- England.

The Eight and twentieth day, all this while a very great grown Sea and mighty winds.

June the fifth day in the afternoon, very thick foggie weather, we sailed by an inchanted Island, saw a great deal of filth and rubbish floating by the Ship, heard Cawdimawdies, Sea-Gulls, and Crowes, (Birds that alwayes frequent the shoar) but could see nothing by reason of the mist towards Sunset, when we were past the Island, it cleared up.

The Fourteenth day of June, very foggie weather, we sailed by an Island of Ice (which lay on the Star-board side) three leagues in length mountain high, in form of land, with Bayes and Capes like high clift land, and a River pouring off it into the Sea. We saw likewise two or three Foxes, or Devils skipping upon it. These Islands of Ice are congealed in the North, and brought down in the spring-time with the Current to the banks on this side New-found-land, and there stopt, where they dissolve at last to water; by that time we had sailed half way by it, we met with a French Pickeroon. Here it was as cold as in the middle of January in England, and so continued till we were some leagues beyond it.

The Sixteenth day we founded, and found 35 fathom water, upon the bank of New-found-land, we cast out our hooks for Cod-fish, thick foggie weather, the Codd being taken on a Sunday morning, the Sectaries aboard threw those their servants took into the Sea again, although they wanted fresh victuals, but the Sailers were not so nice, amongst many that were taken we had some that were wasted Fish, & it is observable and very strange, that fishes bodies do grow slender with age, their Tails and Heads retaining their former bigness; Fish of all Creatures have generally the biggest heads, and the first part that begins to taint in a fish is the head.

The Nineteenth day, Captain Thomas Cammock (a near kinsman of the Earl of Warwicks) now had another lad Thomas Jones, that dyed of the small pox at eight of the clock at night.

The Twentieth day, we saw a great number of Sea-bats, or Owles, called also flying fish, they are about the bigness of a Whiting, with four tinsel wings, with which they fly as long as they are wet, when pursued by other fishes. Here likewise we saw many Grandpisces or Herring-hogs, hunting the scholes of Herrings, in the afternoon we saw a great fish called the vehuella or Sword fish, having a long, strong and sharp finn like a Sword-blade on the top of his head, with which he pierced our Ship, and broke it off with striving to get loose, one of our Sailers dived and brought it aboard.

The One and twentieth day, we met with two Bristow men bound for New-England, and now we are 100 and 75 leagues off Cape-Sable, the sandy Cape, for so Sable in French signifieth, off of which lyeth the Isle of Sable, which is beyond New-found-land, where they take the Amphibious Creature, the Walrus, Mors, or Sea-Horse.

The Two and twentieth, another passenger dyed of a Consumption. Now we passed by the Southern part of New-found-land, within sight of it; the Southern part of New-found-land is said to be not above 600 leagues from England.

The Six and twentieth day, Capt. Thomas Cammock went aboard of a Barke of 300 Tuns, laden with Island Wine, and but 7 men in her, and never a Gun, bound for Richmonds Island, set out by Mr. Trelaney of Plimouth, exceeding hot weather now.

The Eight and twentieth, one of Mr. Edward Ting's the undertakers men now dyed of the Phthisick.

The Nine and twentieth day, founded at night, and found 120 fathome water, the head of the Ship struck against a rock; At 4 of the clock we descryed two sail bound tor New-found-land, and so for the Streights, they told us of a general Earth-quake in New-England, of the Birth of a Monster at Boston, in the Massachusets-Bay a mortality, and now we are two leagues off Cape Ann.

The Thirtieth day proved stormie, and having lost the sight of Land, we saw none untill the morning; doubtfully discovering the Coast, fearing the Lee-shore all night we bore out to Sea.

July the first day, we founded at 8 of the clock at night, and found 93 fathome water, descried land.

The Third day, we Anchored in the Bay of Massachusets, before Boston, Mr. Tinges other man now dyed of the small pox.

The Tenth day, I went a shore upon Noddles Island to Mr. Samuel Maverick (for my passage) the only hospitable man in all the Countrey, giving entertainment to all Comers gratis.

Now before I proceed any further, it Will not be Impertinent to give the intending planter some Instructions for the furnishing of himself with things necessary, and for undertaking the Transport of his Family, or any others.

To which end observe, that a Ship of 150 Tuns, with 2 Decks and a half, and 26 men, with 12 pieces of Ordnance, the charge will amount per moneth, with the Mariners, to 120 pound per moneth. It is better to let the Owners undertake for the Victualling of the Mariners, and their pay for Wages and the Transporter only to take care of the passengers,

The common proportion of Victuals for the Sea to a Mess, being 4 men is as followeth;

Two pieces of Beef, of 3 pound and 1/4 per piece.

Four pound of Bread.

One pound 1/2 of Pease.

Four Gallons of Bear, with Mustard and Vinegar for three flesh dayes in the week.

For four fish dayes, to each mess per day.

Two pieces of Codd or Habberdine, making three pieces of a fish.

One quarter of a pound of Butter.

Four pound of Bread.

Three quarters of a pound of Cheese.

Bear as before.

Oatmeal per day, for 50 men, Gallon 1. and so proportionable for more or fewer

Thus you see the Ships provision, is Beef or Porke, Fish, Butter, Cheese, Pease, Pottage, Water-gruel, Bisket, and six shilling Bear.

For private fresh provision, you may carry with you (in case you, or any of yours should be sick at Sea) Conserves of Roses, Clove-gillliflowers, Wormwood, Green-Ginger, Burnt-Wine, English Spirits, Prunes to stew, Raisons of the Sea, Currence, Sugar, Nutmeg, Mace, Cinnamon, Pepper and Ginger, White Bisket or Spanish rusk, Eggs, Rice, juice of Lemmons well put up to cure, or prevent the Scurvy. Small Skillets Pipkins, Porrengers, and small frying pans.

To prevent or take away Sea sickness, Conserve of Wormwood is very proper, but these following Troches I prefer before if.

First make paste of Sugar and Gum-Dragagant mixed together, then mix therewith a reasonable quantitie of the powder of Cinnamon and Ginger, and if you please a little Musk also, and make it up into Roules of several fashions, which you may gild, of this when you are troubled in your Stomach, take and eat a quantity according to discretion.

Apparel for one man, and after the rate for more.

l. s. d.
One Hatt . . . . . . . . 0 30
One Monmouth Cap . . . . . . 0 1 10
Three falling bands . . . . . . . 0 1 3
Three Shirts . . . . . . . 0 7 6
One Wastcoat . . . . . . . 0 2 6
One Suit of Frize . . . . . . 0 19 0
One Suit of Cloth . . . . . . 0 15 0
One Suit of Canvas . . . . . . 0 7 6
Three pair of Irish Stockins . . . . . 0 5 0
Four Pair of Shoos . . . . . . 0 8 0
One Pair of Canvas Sheets . . . . . 0 8 0
Seven ells of course Canvas to make a bed at Sea for two men, to be filled with straw . . . 0 5 0
One course Rug at Sea for two men . . . 0 6 0

Sum Total4 0 0


Victuals for a whole year to be carried out of England for one man, and so more after

the rate.

l. s. d.
Eight Bushels of Meal . . . . . . 2 0 0
Two Bushels of Pease at three shillings a bushel 06 0
Two Bushels of Oatmeal, at four and six pence the bushel 0 9 0
One Gallon of Aqua vitae . . . . . 0 2 6
One Gallon of Oyl . . . . . 0 3 6
Two Gallons of Vinegar . . . . . 0 2 6


Of Sugar and Spice, 8 pound make the stone and an half, i.e. 100 pound maketh the hundred, but your best way is to buy your Sugar there, for it is cheapest, but for Spice you must carry it over with you.

l. s. d.
A Hogshead of English Beef will cost . . . . 5 0 0
A Hogshead of Irish Beef will cost . . . . 2 10 0
A Barrel of Oatmeal . . . . . . 0 13 0
A Hogsehead of Aqua-vitae will cost . . . . 4 0 0
A Hogshead of Vinegar . . . . . . 1 0 0
A bushel of Mustard-seed . . . . . 0 6 0

A Kental of fish, Cod or Habberdine is 112 pound, will cost if it be merchantable fish, Two or three and thirty Rials a Kental, if it be refuse you man have it for 10 or 11 shillings a Kental.


l. s. d.
A pair if Bellowes . . . . . . . 0 2 0
A Skoope . . . . . . . . 0 0 9
A pair of Wheels for a Cart, if you buy them in the Countrey, they will cost 3 or 4 pound . . . . 0 14 0
Wheelbarrow you may have there, in England they cost . 0 6 0
A great pail in England will cost . . . . 0 0 10
A Boat called a Canow, will cost in the Countrey (with a pair of Paddles) if it be a good one . . . . 3 0 0
A short Oake ladder in England will cost but . . 0 0 10
A Plough . . . . . . . 0 3 9
An Axletree . . . . . . . 0 0 8
A Cart . . . . . . . . 0 10 0
For a casting Shovel . . . . . . 0 0 10
For a shovel . . . . . . . 0 0 6
For a sack . . . . . . . . 0 2 4
For a Lanthorn . . . . . . . 0 1 3

For Tobacco pipes short heads, and great bouls

14 pence and 16 pence the grose.

l. s. d.
For clipping a hundred sheep in England . . . 0 4 6
For winding the Wool . . . . . . 0 0 8
For washing them . . . . . . 0 2 0
For one Garnish of Peuter . . . . . 2 0 0

Prizes of Iron Ware

Arms for one man, but if half of your men have Armour it is sufficient, so that all have pieces and swords

l. s. d.
One Armour compleat, light . . . . . 0 17 0
One long piece five foot, or five and a half near Musket bore. 1 2 0
One Sword . . . . . . . 0 5 0
One Bandaleer . . . . . . 0 1 6
One Belt . . . . . . . 0 1 0
Twenty pound of powder . . . . . 0 18 0
Sixty pound of shot or lead, pistol, and Goose shot . 0 5 0

Tools for a Family of Six persons, and so after the rate for more.

l. s. d.
Five broad howes at two shillings a piece . . . 0 10 0
Five narrow howes at 16 pence a piece . . . 0 6 8
Five felling Axes at 18 pence a piece . . . 0 7 6
Two steel hand-sawes at 16 pence the piece . . 0 2 8
Two hand-sawes at 5 shillings a piece . . . 0 10 0
One whip saw, set and filed with box . . . 0 10 0
A file and wrest . . . . . . 0 0 10
Two Hammers 12 pence a piece . . . . 0 2 0
Three shovels 18 pence a piece sod . . . 0 4 6
Two spades 18 pence a piece . . . . 0 3 0
Two Augars . . . . . . . 0 1 0
Two Broad Axes at 3 shillings 8 pence a piece . . 0 7 4
Six Chissels . . . . . . . 0 3 0
Three Gimblets . . . . . . 0 0 6
Two Hatchets One and twenty pence a piece . . 0 3 6
Two froues to cleave pail at 18 pence a piece . . 0 3 0
Two hand-bills at 20 pence a piece . . . 0 3 4
Nails of all forts to be valued . . . . 2 0 0
Two pick-Axes . . . . . . 0 3 0
Three Locks, and 3 pair of Fetters . . . . 0 5 10
Two Currie Combs . . . . . . 0 0 11
For a Brand to brand Beasts with . . . . 0 0 6
For-a Chain and lock for a Boat . . . . 0 2 2
For a Coulter weighing 10 pound . . . . 0 3 4
For a Hand-vise . . . . . . 0 2 6
For a Pitch-fork . . . . . . 0 1 4
For one hundred weight of Spikes Nails and pins 120, to the hundred . . . . 2 5 0
For a share . . . . . . . 0 2 11

Houshould Implements for a Family of six persons, and so for more or less after the rate.

l. s. d.
One Iron Pot . . . . . . . 0 7 0
For one great Copper Kettle . . . . . 2 0 0
For a small Kettle . . . . . . 0 10 0
For a lesser Kettle . . . . . . 0 6 0
For one large Frying-pan . . . . . 0 2 6
For a small Frying-pan . . . . . 0 1 8
For a brass Morter . . . . . . 0 3 0
For a Spit . . . . . . . 0 2 0
For one Grid-Iron . . . . . . 0 1 0
For two skillets . . . . . . 0 5 0
Platters, dishes, & spoons of wood . . . 0 4 0
For Sugar, Spice and fruits at Sea for six men . . 0 12 10

The fraught will be for one man half a Tun.

Having refreshed my self for a day or two upon Noddles-Island, I crossed the Bay in a small Boat to Boston, which then was rather a Village, than a Town, there being not above Twenty or thirty houses, and presenting my respects to Mr. Winthorpe the Governour, and to Mr. Cotton the Teacher of Boston Church, to whom I delivered from Mr. Francis Quarles the poet, the Translation of the 16, 25, 51, 88, 113 and 137. Psalms into English Meeter, for his approbation, being civilly treated by all I had occasion to converse with, I returned in the Evening to my lodging

The Twelfth day of July, after I had taken my leave of Mr. Maverick, and some other Gentlemen, I took Boat for the Eastern parts of the Countrie, and arrived at Black point in the Province of Main, which is 150 miles from Boston, the Fourteenth day, which makes my voyage 11 weeks and odd dayes.

The Countrey all along as I sailed, being no other than a meer Wilderness, here and there by the Sea-side a few scattered plantations, with as few houses.

About the Tenth of August, I hapned fo walk into the Woods, not far from the Sea-side, and falling upon a piece of ground over-grown with bushes, called there black Currence, but differing from our Garden Currence, they being ripe and hanging in lovely bunches; I set up my piece against a sately Oake, with a resolution to fill my belly, being near half a mile from the house; of a sudden I heard a hollow thumping noise upon the Rocks approaching towards me, which made me presently to recover my piece, which I had no sooner cock'd, than a great and grim over-grown She-Wolf appears, at whom I shot, and finding her Gor-belly stuft with flesh newly taken in, I began presently to suspect that she had fallen foul upon our Goats, which were then valued (our she Goats) at Five pound a Goat; Therefore to make further discovery, I descended (it being low water) upon the Sea sands, with an intent to walk round about a neck of land where the Goats usually kept. I had not gone far before I found the footing of two Wolves, and one Goat betwixt them, whom they had driven into a hollow, betwixt two Rocks, hither I followed their footing, and perceiving by the Crowes, that there was the place of slaughter, I hung my piece upon my back, and upon all four clambered up to the top of the Rock, where I made ready my piece and shot at the dog Wolf, who was feeding upon the remainder of the Goat, which was only the fore shoulders, head and horns, the rest being devoured by the She-Wolf, even to the very hair of this Goat: and it is very observable, that when the the Wolves have kill'd a Beast. or a Hog, not a Dog-Wolf amongst them offers to eat any of it, till the she-Wolves have fill'd their paunches.

The Twenty fourth of September, being Munday about 4 of the clock in the afternoon, a fearful storm of wind began to rage, called a Hurricane. It is an impetuous wind that goes commonly about the Compass in the space of 24 hours, it began from the W.N.W. and continued till next morning, the greatest mischief it did us, was the wracking of our Shallop, and the blowing down of many tall Trees, in some places a mile together.

December the Tenth, happened an Eclipse of the Moon at 8 of the clock at night, it continued till after 11, as near as we could guess; in old England began after midnight, and continued till 4 of the clock in the morning; if Seamen would make observation of the time, either of the beginning or ending of the Eclipse, or total darkness of Sun and Moon in all places where they shall happen to be, and confer their observations to some Artist, hereby the Iongitude of all places might be certainly known, which are now very uncertainty reported to us.

1639. May, which fell out to be extream hot and foggie, about the middle of may I kill'd within a stones throw of our house, above four score Snakes, some of them as big as the small of my Ieg, black of colour, and three yards long, with a sharp horn on the tip of their tail two inches in length.

June the Six and twentieth day, very stormie, Lightning and Thunder. I heard now two of the greatest and fearfullest thunder-claps that ever were heard, I am confident. At this time we had some neighbouring Gentlemen in our house, who came to welcome me into the Countrey; where amongst variety of discourse they told me of a young Lyon (not long before) kill'd at Piscataway by an Indian, of a Sea-Serpent or Snake, that lay quoiled up like a Cable upon a Rock at Cape-Ann: a Boat passing by with English aboard, and two Indians, they would have shot the Serpent, but the Indians disswaded them, saying, that if he were not kill'd out-right, they would be in danger of their lives.

One Mr. Mittin related of a Triton or Mereman which he saw in Cascobay, the Gentleman was a great Fouler, and used to goe out with a small Boat or Canow, and fetching a compass about a small Island, (there being many small Islands in the Bay) for the advantage of a shot, was encountred with a Triton, who laying his hands upon the side of the Canow, had one of them chopt off with a Hatchet by Mr. Mittin, which was in all respects like the hand of a man, the Triton presently sunk, dying the water with his purple blood, and was no more seen. The next story was told by Mr. Foxwell, now living in the province of Main, who having been to the Eastward in a Shallop, as far as Cape-Ann a Waggon, in his return was overtaken by the night, and fearing to land upon the barbarous shore, he put off a little further to Sea; about midnight they were wakened with a loud voice from the shore, calling upon Foxwell, Foxwell come a ashore, two or three times; upon the Sands they saw a great fire, and Men and Women hand in hand dancing round about it in a ring, after an hour or two they vanished, and as soon as the day appeared, Foxwell puts into small Cove, it being about three quarters soud, and traces along the shore, where he found the footing of Men, Women and Children shod with shoos; and an infinite number of brands-ends thrown up up by the water, but neither Indian nor the English could he meet with on the shore, nor in the woods; these with many other stories they told me, the credit whereof I will neither impeach nor inforce, but shall satisfie my self, and I hope the Reader hereof with the saying of a wife, learned and honourable Knight, that there are many stranger things in the world, than are to be seen between London and Stanes.

September the Sixth day, one Mr. John Hickford the Son of Mr. Hickford a Linnen-Draper in Cheapside having been sometime in the province of Main, and now determined to return for England, sold and kill'd his stock of Cattle and Hoggs, one great Sow he had which he made great account of, but being very fat, and not suspecting that she was with pig, he caused her to be kill'd and they found 25 pigs within her belly; verifying the old proverb, As fruitful as a white sow. And now we were told of a sow in Virginia that brought forth six pigs; their fore-parts Lyons, their hinder-parts hogs. I have read that Bruxels, Anno 1564. a sow brought forth six pigs, the first whereof (for the last in generating is alwayes in bruit beasts the first brought forth) had the head, face, arms and legs of a man, but the whole trunck of the body from the neck, was of a swine, a sodomitical monster is more like the mother than the father in the organs of the vegetative foul.

The Three and twentieth, I left Black-point, and came to Richmonds Island about three leagues to the Eastward, where Mr. Tralanie kept a fishing, Mr. John Winter a grave and discreet man was his Agent, and imployer of 60 men upon that design.

The Four and twentieth day being Munday, I went aboard the Fellowship of 100 and 70 Tuns a Flemish bottom, the Master George Luxon of Bittiford in Devonshire, several of my friends came to bid me farewell, among the rest Captain Thomas Wannerton who drank to me a pint of kill-devil alias Rhum at a draught, at 6 of the clock in the morning we weighed Anchor, and set sail for the Massachusets-bay.

The Seven and twentieth day being Fryday, we Anchored in the afternoon in the Massachusets-bay before Boston. Next day I went aboard of Mr. Hinderson, Master of a ship of 500 Tuns, and Captain Jackson in the Queen of Bohemia a privateer, and from thence I went ashore to Boston, where I refreshed my self at an Ordinary. Next morning I was invited to a fishermans house somewhat lower within the Bay, and was there by his Wife presented with a handful of small Pearl, but none of them bored nor orient. From thence I crost the Bay to Charles-town, where at one Longs Ordinary I met with Captain Jackson and others, walking on the back side we spied a rattle Snake a yard and half long, and as thick in middle as the small of a mans leg, on the belly yellow, her back spotted with black, russet, yellow and green, placed like scales, at her tail she had a rattle which is nothing but a hollow shelly bussiness joynted, look how many years old she is, so many rattles she hath in her tail, her neck seemed to be no bigger than ones Thumb; yet she swallowed a live Chicken, as big as one they give 4 pence for in England, presently as we were looking on. In the afternoon I returned to our Ship, being no sooner aboard but we had the fight of an Indian-Pinnace sailing by us made of Birch-bark sewed together with the roots of Spruce and white Cedar (drawn out into threads) with a deck, and trimmed with sails top and top gallant very sumptuously.

The Thirtieth day of September, I went ashore upon Noddles-Island, where when I was come to Mr. Mavericks he would not let me go aboard no more, until the Ship was ready to set sail; the next day a grave and sober person described the Monster to me, that was born at Boston of one Mrs. Dyer a great Sectarie, the Nine and twentiety of June, it was (it should seem) without a head, but having horns like a Beast, and ears, scales on a rough skin like a fish called a Thornback, legs and claws like a Hawke, and in other respects as a Woman-child.

The Second of October, about 9 of the clock in the morning, Mr. Mavericks Negro woman came to my chamber window, and in her own Countrey language and tune sang very loud and shril, going out to her, she used a great deal of respect towards me, and willingly would have expressed her grief in English, but I apprehended it by her countenance and deportment, whereupon I repaired to my host, to learn of him the cause, and resolved to intreat him in her behalf, for that I understood before, that she had been a Queen in her own Countrey, and observed a very humble and dutiful garb used towards her by another Negro who was her maid. Mr. Maverick was desirous to have a breed of Negroes, and therefore seeing she would not yield by perswasions to company with a Negro young man he had in his house; he commanded him will'd she nill'd she to go to bed to her, which was sooner done but she kickt him out again, this she took in high disdain beyond her slavery, and this was the cause of her grief. In the afternoon I walked into the Woods on the back side of the house, and happening into a fine broad walk (which was a sedg-way) I wandered till I chanc't to spye a fruit as I thought like a pine Apple plated with scales, it was as big as the crown of a Womans hat; I made bold to step unto it, with an intent to have gathered it, no sooner had I toucht it, but hundreds of Wasps were about me; at last I cleared my self from them, being stung only by one the upper lip, glad I was that I scaped so well; But by that time I was come into the house my lip was swell'd so extreamly, that they hardly knew me but my Garments.

The Tenth of October, I went aboard and we fell down to Nantascot, here Mr. Davies (Mr Hicks the Apothecarie in Fleet-streets Son-in-law) dyed of the Phthisick aboard on a Sunday in the afternoon. The next day Mr. Luxon out Master having been ashore upon the Governours Island gave me half a score very fair Pippins which he brought from thence, there being not one Apple-tree, nor Pear planted yet in no part of the Countrey, but upon that Island.

The Fifteenth day, we set sail from Nantascot.

The Sixteenth day Mr. Robert Foster, one of our passengers Preached aboard upon the 113 Psalm; The Lord shall preserve thy going out, & thy coming in; The Sectaries began to quarrel with him, especially Mr. Vincent Potter, who he was afterwards questioned for a Regicide.

The Seventeenth day, towards Sun-set a Lanner settled upon our main Mast-top when it was dark I hired one of the Sailers to fetch her down, and I brought her into England with much ado, being sain to feed her with hard Eggs. After this day we had very cold weather at Sea, our deck in a morning ore-spread with hoarie frost and dangling Isickles hung upon the Ropes. Some say the Sea is hotter in winter than in Summer; but I did not find it so.

November the Fifth day, about three of the clock in the afternoon, the Mariners observed the rising of a little black cloud in the N.W. which increasing apace, made them prepare against a coming storm, the wind in short time grew boisterous, bringing after us a huge grown Sea, at 5 of the clock it was pitchie dark.

And the bitter storm augments; the wild winds wage

War from all parts; and joyn with the Seas rage.

The sad clouds sink in showers; you would have thought,

That high-swoln-seas even unto Heaven had wrought;

And Heaven to Seas descended: no star shown;

Blind night in darkness, tempests, and her own

Dread terrours lost, yet this dire lightning turns

To more fear'd light; the Sea with lightning Burns.

The Pilot knew not what to chuse or fly,

Art stood amaz'd in Ambiguity.

The storm augmenting still, the next day about 4 of the clock afternoon we lost our Rudder, and with that our hopes, so necessary a part it is, that a ship without it, is like a wild horse without a bridle; yet Aristotle that Eag'e-ey'd Philosopher could not give a reason, why so small a thing as a Helm should rule the ship.

The Seventh day at night, the wind began to dye away, the next day we had leasure to repair our breaches; it continued calm till the 13 day, and all the while we saw many dead bodies of men and women floating by us.

The Four and twentieth, we arrived before Bittiford, having past before under Lundee-Island.

Source: Overview by Bryan Wright

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