1572, Jun 111598-16371637, Aug 6
an English playwright, poet, actor and literary critic of the 17th century, whose artistry exerted a lasting impact upon English poetry and stage comedy. He popularised the comedy of humours. He is best known for the satirical plays Every Man in His Humour (1598), Volpone, or The Foxe (1605), The Alchemist (1610) and Bartholomew Fayre: A Comedy (1614) and for his lyric poetry; he is generally regarded as the second most important English dramatist, after William Shakespeare, during the reign of James I.
 Gallery (1)

 Timeline (1)
09/22/1598-Playwright Ben Jonson is indicted for manslaughter
 Dictionary Citations (44) • View in Dictionary
Airling: A young, thoughtless person; a coxcomb. Also earling. Ben Jonson in CATILINE (1611) says: Some more there b...
Almain: A dance; also, the music therefor. References in the 17th century and later speak of a slow tempo, and grav...
Arride: To smile at; to please. From Latin arridere, ad, at + I, to laugh, whence also risible. Mainly in the 17th ...
Blushet: A shy maiden; a modest girl (literally, little blusher). Ben Jonson in THE STAPLE OF NEWS (1625) Though mis...
Bombard: The earliest type of cannon. Also bumbard, boumbard. It was introduced in the late 14th century, but did no...
Cater-cousin: A close friend. In Tudor times, cousin was used by close friends, without blood relationship; in AS YOU LIK...
Codling: A variety of apple, somewhat tapering; especially, a variety that could be cooked while still unripe. Hence...
Cokes: A fool, a simpleton. A frequent term in the 16th and 17th centuries. Also coaks, coax, coxe. The origin is ...
Copesmate: A person with whom one copes; an adversary. Hence, a love partner, paramour. Hence, a partner or colleague;...
Dimble: A deep, shady dell, a dingle, q.v. Frequent in 16th and 17th century verse. Ben Jonson in THE SAD SHEPHERD ...
Ephialtes: Nightmare; a demon that leaps upon people and causes nightmare. A 17th century term, probably from Greek ep...
Fagioli: Beans; kidney beans. From the Italian. Ben Jonson in CYNTHIA'S REVELS (1600) says: He doth learn to make st...
Fegs: A corruption of fay, faith, used in exclamations and as a mild form of swearing. Also i'fegs, q.v. Sometime...
Furibund: Raging with fury. Also furybound, furebund. Ben Jonson in THE POETASTER (1601) includes furibund in a list ...
Glaver: Used in the 14th century as a noun, meaning chatter; then and into the 18th century as a verb, meaning to t...
Handsel: A token of good luck; specifically, a gift as a token of good wishes for the New Year or a new occupation, ...
Hind: In addition to its still current uses (noun: the female of the deer; adjective, posterior, as the hind quar...
I'fegs: In faith. By my faith. See fegs. A favorite oath of 17th and 18th century playwrights. Also (Ben Jonson, 1...
Incony: Delicate, pretty, choice. The word was popular, especially among playwrights (Christopher Marlowe, Thomas ...
Level-coil: A noisy game formerly played at Christmas: each player in turn must leave his seat, which another takes. Pl...
Lotium: Stale urine, used by barbers (15th to 18th century) as a hair wash, etc, Latin lavare, lautum, lotum, to wa...
Luculent: Full of light, shining; brilliant; lucid. Thus Thomson in THE SEASONS: WINTER (1746) : Luculent along the p...
Mangonize: To dress up (inferior wares) for sale; also, to deal in slaves. Latin mango, mangonem, a furbisher; a monge...
Martinet: (1) An early name for the bird, the martin, q.v., being its diminutive form. (2) The demon whose function i...
Mazard: A bowl, a drinking cup; originally, one made of hard wood. Also, mazzard; mazer. Old High German masar, an ...
Mercury: The Roman god (Greek Hermes) of traders and thieves, of eloquence and feats of skill; presider over roads; ...
Minimifidian: One inclined to put the least possible faith in something, such as tales of flying saucers. Sometimes contr...
Monthly: Madly; as influenced by the moon. An English development like lunatic; Latin luna, the moon. Also moonling,...
Moonling: A simpleton. In Ben Jonson's THE DEVIL IS AN ASS (1616) : I have a husband . . . But such a moonling, as no...
Murrey: (1) Mulberry color; a mulberrycolored cloth. Latin morum, mulberry; cp muricide. Such a cloth, from its pop...
Nare: A nostril. Usually in the plural; from the 14th century, but mainly in 17th century verse, as In Ben Jonson...
Ness: A promontory, a cape (of land). Also naes, nesse, naisse; nase; related to nose, nese. From the 12th centur...
Neuft: A variant of newt; an ewt; eft. Edmund Spenser in THE FAERIE QUEENE (1590) uses ewftes. What! exclaims Ben...
Nimfadoro: An effeminate fellow. Probably a humorous or contemptuous elongation of nymph. Ben Jonson in EVERY MAN OUT ...
Noise: As a noun, in special senses: (1) rumor; especially evil report, slander, scandal. Hence, reputation. A Tow...
Orpharion: A large Iute-like instrument, with from six to nine pairs of metal strings, played with a plectrum. Invente...
Peat: An old form of pet, a darling. Also, a spoiled child; William Shakespeare in THE TAMING OF THE SHREW (1596)...
Pilch: An outer garment of skin dressed with the hair. Chaucer gives as a proverb (1390): After heet comethe colde...
Rounce robble hobble: A representation of the tumult of thunder, in Richard Stanihurst's translation (1582) of the AENEIS: A clap...
Statuminate: To support, establish. Also statumination. Latin statuminem, a sup port; statuere, statutum, to set up, est...
Stound: This common early form is a gathering of several roots and many meanings. It appears also as stund, stond, ...
Umbrage: See couth; cp. patulous. French ombrage, ombre; Latin umbra, shadow, whence also umbrageous -- seldom used ...
Volary: A large birdcage. The 17th and 18th century term for an aviary; also, the birds therein. Also volarie, voll...
Whindle: To whimper. A diminutive of whine. Also whinnel, whinil. Also as a noun, a whine or a whining person. Ben J...
 Mentions (8)
Francis Beaumont
...Fletcher. He became a student of poet and playwright Ben Jonson; he was also acquainted with Michael Drayton and...
Thomas Bretnor
...a notorious character in London, and is noticed by Ben Jonson in his 'Devil is an Ass' (1616), i. 2, and by Thomas...
Nathan Field
...of the 17th century. Cast lists associate him with Ben Jonson's Cynthia's Revels (1600) and The Poetaster (1601);...
Simon Forman
...the plot to kill Sir Thomas Overbury. Writers from Ben Jonson to Nathaniel Hawthorne came to characterize him as...
Henry King
...on his private friends, who included John Donne and Ben Jonson. A selection from his Poems and Psalms was published...
Thomas Middleton
...and poet. Middleton stands with John Fletcher and Ben Jonson among the most successful and prolific playwrights...
Thomas Shadwell
...Fâcheux by Moliere, and written in open imitation of Ben Jonson's comedy of humours. For fourteen years from the...
Robert Sidney, Penshurst Place, was celebrated in verse by Ben Jonson, who died at Penshurst. Robert Sidney was a patron...
Ben Jonson1572, Jun 111598
16371637, Aug 6

Thomas Hudsonunknown1580
15991605 ca
 a musician and poet from the north of England present at the Scottish court of King James VI at t...
Thomas Nashe15671588
15991601 ca
 considered the greatest of the English Elizabethan pamphleteers, also a playwright, poet, and sat...
Philip Barrowunknown1590
 an English medical writer. Barrow was the son of John Barrow, of Suffolk. He obtained from the un...
Anthony Chuteunknown1590
 an Elizabethan poet and pamphleteer. Very little is known about him. In 1593, Chute published Bea...
William Clerkeunknown1590
 an English writer. Clerke matriculated as a sizar of Trinity College, Cambridge, in June 1575, be...
Robert Gwinunknown1590
 a Welsh Roman Catholic priest and author. Gwin, who appears to have been alive in 1591, wrote sev...
Simon Kellwayeunknown1590
 Wrote Defense Against The Plague in 1593
Giordano Bruno1548, Jan 11572
16001600, Feb 17
 an Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, mathematician, poet, and cosmological theorist. He is re...
Edward Guilpin1573 ca1598
 poet and satirist, was the eldest child of John Guilpin and Thomasin Everard, who had been marrie...
Richard Stanihurst15471582
 an Irish alchemist, translator, poet and historian, born in Dublin. Richard was sent to Peter Whi...
W. Watsonunknown1602
 Referenced only in period dictionaries under the word Aulic
Queen Elizabeth I1533, Sep 71558
16031603, Mar 24
 Queen of England and Ireland (and Supreme Governor of the Church of England ) from 17 November 15...
Sir Robert Dudley [2]1574, Aug 71594
16031649, Sep 6
 an English explorer and cartographer. In 1594, he led an expedition to the West Indies, of which ...
Edward Hakeunknown1570
 an English satirist, educated under John Hopkins, known for being the part-author of the metrica...
John Dee1527, Jul 131546
16051609 ca
 an English mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher, imperialist, and adviser to...
Sir Geoffrey Fenton1539 ca1567
16081608, Oct 19
 an English writer, Privy Councillor, and Principal Secretary of State in Ireland. Geoffrey is sai...
Nicholas Fauntunknown1572
 an English clerk of the signet, agent of the Crown, and politician. Early in 1581 he spent three ...
 a poet in the time of Ahmad al-Mansur. The surviving poetry of al-Masfiwi can be found in Manahil...
William Phistonunknown1571
 an English translator and author. He describes himself as "a student of London", and had some lea...
Thomas Faleunknown1590
 an English mathematician. His only known publication is Horologiographia. (1593). It is dedicated...
Anthony Shirley15651590
 an English traveller, whose imprisonment in 1603 by King James I caused the English House of Comm...
Robert Allottunknown1600
 an Elizabethan editor of poetry who published the verse compilation England's Parnassus in 1600. ...
John Chalkhillunknown1600
 an English poet. Two songs by him are included in Izaak Walton's Compleat Angler, and in 1683 app...
Emanuel Fordunknown1600
 an Elizabethan romancer. There is very little information available about the details of his life...
Aindrais MacMarcuisunknown1600
 an Irish poet. There is little information available about his life or career. MacMarcuis is main...
Fear Feasa O'n Chainteunknown1600
 an Irish poet. Native of Munster, and a member of the Ó an Cháintighe bardic family. Very littl...
Stavrianos Vistiarisunknown1600
 a Greek poet born in the village of Malcani, in modern Sarande District, a region of Albania that...
Thomas Wright [1]unknown1600
 an English writer, a protégé of Henry Wriothesley, third earl of Southampton, who had travelled...
Robert Yaringtonunknown1600
 an English Playwright, most famous for his two Tragedies. They were printed for Matthew Law, and ...
Thomas Bell15511573
 an English Roman Catholic priest, and later an anti-Catholic writer. He was mentioned in 1592 as ...
Lochlann Og O Dalaighunknown1610
 an early modern Irish poet. A native of Munster and a member of the Ó Dálaigh clan of poets, he...
William Fowler1560 ca1581
 a Scottish poet, writer, courtier, and translator. Fowler was part of a literary circle around Ki...
Richard Hakluyt15531583
16121616, Nov 23
 an English writer. He is known for promoting the British colonisation of North America by the Eng...
William Shakespeare1564 ca1585
 an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English lan...
Sir Thomas Overbury15811601
16131613, Sep 14
 an English poet and essayist, also known for being the victim of a murder which led to a scandalo...
Vincenzo Scamozzi1548, Sep 21568
16141616, Aug 7
 an Italian architect and a writer on architecture, active mainly in Vicenza and Republic of Venic...
Mary Sidney1561, Oct 271575
16151621, Sep 25
 one of the first English women to achieve a major reputation for her poetry and literary patronag...
Miguel de Cervantes1547, Sep 291569
16161616, Apr 22
 a Spanish writer who is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the Spanish language and one of...
Pieter Cornelisz van der Morsch15431598
 a man in Leiden best known today for his portrait that was painted by Frans Hals in 1616. He was ...
Lughaidh O Cleirighunknown1603
  an Irish Gaelic poet and historian. He is best known today as the author of Beatha Aodha Ruaidh ...
Sir Henry Mainwaring15871610
 an English lawyer, soldier, author, seaman and politician who sat in the House of Commons from 16...
Franz Schmidt15551573
 an executioner in Hof from 1573 to April 1578, and from 1 May 1578 till the end of 1617 execution...
John Thornborough15511593
 an English bishop. In a long ecclesiastical career, he was employed as a chaplain by the Earl of ...
Thomas Coryat1577 ca1603
 an English traveller and writer of the late Elizabethan and early Jacobean age. He is principally...
Sir Walter Raleigh1554 ca1569
16181618, Oct 29
 an English landed gentleman, writer, poet, soldier, politician, courtier, spy, and explorer. He i...
Thomas Ashe [1]unknown1600
 an English legal writer. Ashe entered as a student of Gray's Inn in 1574, was called to the bar 2...
Thomas Bretnorunknown1600
 an almanac maker. Bretnor calls himself on the title-page of one of his almanacs 'student in astr...
Emilia Lanier1569, Jan 271600
16191645, Apr 3
 the first Englishwoman to assert herself as a professional poet through her single volume of poem...
John Andrews [1]unknown1610
 an English poet. Andrews was the author of a poem called the ‘Anatomie of Basenesse’ (1615), ...
Robert Antonunknown1610
 an English poet and satirist. A unique quarto prose tract of Anton's, in black letter, entitled M...
Henry Austin [1]unknown1610
 an English poet postulated by Alexander Balloch Grosart as author of The Scourge of Venus, or the...
Yusuf Biscainounknown1610
 a Morisco in the service of the Moroccan Sultan Mulay Zidan. He was sent as an ambassador to the ...
Robert Carliellunknown1610
 an English poet. Carliell is remembered mainly for a verse defence of the new Church of England a...
Edmond Graileunknown1610
 an English poet and physician. Graile was born at Gloucester about 1577. He matriculated at Magda...
Samuel Ridunknown1610
  the author of The Art of Jugling or Legerdemaine (1612), an apparent sequel to Martin Markall, B...
Joseph Swetnamunknown1610
 a Renaissance pamphleteer and Jacobean fencing master. He is best known for his misogynistic auth...
Kyrillos III Loukarisunknown1601
 Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria for the Greek Orthodox Church (1601-1620). He co-authored many l...
Thomas Harriot1560 ca1580
16211621, Jul 2
 an English astronomer, mathematician, ethnographer, and translator. He is sometimes credited with...
William Strachey1572, Apr 41605
16211621, Jun 21
 an English writer whose works are among the primary sources for the early history of the English ...
Richard Argallunknown1621
 a poet, of whom little is known, and whose existence is disputed. His name appears on the title-p...
Pedro Paez15641589
16221622, May 25
 a Spanish Jesuit missionary in Ethiopia. Páez is considered by many experts on Ethiopia to be th...
Ottavio Codognounknown1599
 the deputy postmaster general of the Duchy of Milan and author of an extensive guidebook to the p...
John Brinsley the Elderunknown1581
 an English schoolmaster, known for his educational works. His best-known work is Ludus Literarius...
George Chapman1559 ca1596
16241634, May 12
 an English dramatist, translator, and poet. He was a classical scholar whose work shows the influ...
Ericus Erici Sorolainen15461583
  a Finnish Lutheran bishop, a Bishop of Turku from 1583 to 1625 as the successor to Paulus Juuste...
King James I1566, Jun 191603
16251625, Mar 27
  King of Scotland as James VI from 24 July 1567 and King of England and Ireland (and Supreme Head...
John Fletcher [1]1579, Dec1606
16251625, Aug
 a Jacobean playwright. Following William Shakespeare as house playwright for the King's Men, he w...
Willem Schouten1567 ca1615
 a Dutch navigator for the Dutch East India Company. He was the first to sail the Cape Horn route ...
Francis Bacon1561, Jan 221579
16261626, Apr 9
 an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, essayist and author. He served both...
Robert Naunton15631606
16261635, Mar 27
 an English writer and politician who sat in the House of Commons at various times between 1606 an...
Thomas Smith [1]unknown1600
 an English soldier. Smith as he styles himself on the title-page of the first edition (4to, 1600)...
John Preston1587, Oct1611
16271628, Jul 20
 an Anglican cleric and master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. About 1611, the year in which he co...
Samuel Rowlands1573 ca1598
 an English author of pamphlets in prose and verse, which reflect the follies and humours of lower...
George Silverunknown1550
 a gentleman of England during the late 16th and early 17th centuries, who is known for his writin...
Johannes Buxtorf1564, Dec 251589
16291629, Sep 13
 a celebrated Hebraist, member of a family of Orientalists; professor of Hebrew for thirty-nine ye...
Oliver Almondunknown1590
 a Roman Catholic priest and writer, born in the diocese of Oxford. He is believed by Foley to hav...
Thomas Beardunknown1590
 an English clergyman and theologian, of Puritan views. He is known as the author of The Theatre o...
Nicolas de Cardonaunknown1610
 a Spanish entrepreneur and adventurer with residence in Seville, who was involved in the explorat...
John Ashmoreunknown1620
  the first who attempted a translation into English of selected odes of Horace. In 1621 he publis...
Alonso Fernandez de Avellanedaunknown1620
 the pseudonym of a man who wrote a sequel to Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote. The identity of Fe...
Diego Beltran Hidalgounknown1620
  a seventeenth century Spanish Marrano poet. The son of a Jew from Murcia, he was noted as an edi...
Patrick Scotunknown1620
 a Scottish official, tutor and author. He followed James VI of Scotland to England on his accessi...
Johannes Kepler1571, Dec 271594
16301630, Nov 15
 a German mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer. A key figure in the 17th century scientific r...
Edmund Howesunknown1607
 an English chronicler. Howes lived in London, and designated himself "gentleman". Undeterred by J...
Randle Cotgraveunknown1590
 an English lexicographer who in 1611 compiled and published A Dictionarie of the French and En...
Henry Wotton1568, Mar 301588
16331639, Dec
 an English author, diplomat and politician who sat in the House of Commons in 1614 and 1625. Of 2...
John Harrison [1]unknown1610
 an English representative in Morocco in the 17th century. James I of England sent John Harrison t...
George Abbot1562, Oct 191611
16331633, Aug 5
 an English divine who was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1611 to 1633 for the Church of England. H...
Felix Lope de Vega1562, Nov 251594
16341635, Aug 27
 a Spanish playwright, poet and novelist. He was one of the key figures in the Spanish Golden Cent...
John Marston1576, Oct 71598
16341634, Jun 25
 an English poet, playwright and satirist during the late Elizabethan and Jacobean periods. His ca...
Geoffrey Keating1569 ca1603
16341644 ca
 a 17th-century historian. He was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, and is buried in Tubrid Grave...
Patrick Andersonunknown1618
 a physician and author. Anderson was the author of ‘The Colde Spring of Kinghorne Craig’ (161...
Peregrine O Duibhgeannainunknown1627
 an Irish historian and chronicler. Nothing is known of his life and activities until he began wor...
Seamus O Siaghailunknown1636
 an Irish scribe. Ó Siaghail was a member of the Ó Siadhail bardic family that had lived in Uí ...
Fearfeasa O'Mulconryunknown1636
 an Irish chronicler. He contributed to The Annals of the Four Masters. He belonged to a family of...
William Alabaster1567, Feb 271592
16371640, Apr 28
 an English poet, playwright, and religious writer. He became a Roman Catholic convert in Spain wh...
Robert Fludd1574, Jan 171605
16371637, Sep 8
 a prominent English Paracelsian physician with both scientific and occult interests. He is rememb...
Galileo Galilei1564, Feb 151581
16381642, Jan 8
 an Italian astronomer, physicist, engineer, philosopher, and mathematician who played a major rol...
Johann Heinrich Alsted1588, Mar1608
16381638, Nov 9
 a German Calvinist minister and academic, known for his varied interests: in Ramism and Lullism, ...
Nicholas Bradshaweunknown1630
 an English writer. Very little is known about the details of his life. He was a fellow of Balliol...
Xu Xiake1587, Jan 51607
16401641, Mar 8
 a Chinese travel writer and geographer of the Ming Dynasty, known best for his famous geographica...
Richard Bernard15681598
 an English Puritan clergyman and writer. Barnard was a Calvinist Puritan, but a moderate one. Ber...
Edward Finchunknown1630
 an English Royalist divine. On 9 December 1630 Edward was admitted to the vicarage of Christ Chur...
James Shirley1596, Sep1625
16421666, Oct
 an English dramatist. He belonged to the great period of English dramatic literature, but, in Lam...
Sir John Suckling1609, Feb 101631
16421642 ca
 an English poet and a prominent figure among those renowned for careless gaiety and wit, the acco...
Charles de Valois1573, Apr 281589
16431650, Sep 24
 a French royal bastard, count of Auvergne, duke of Angoulême, and memoirist. Charles de Valois w...
Joseph Hall1574, Jul 11597
16431656, Sep 8
 an English bishop, satirist and moralist. His contemporaries knew him as a devotional writer, and...
Francisco Pacheco15711611
 a Spanish painter, best known as the teacher and father-in-law of Diego Velázquez and Alonzo Can...
Hugo Grotius1583, Apr 101599
16451645, Aug 28
 a Dutch jurist. Along with the earlier works of Francisco de Vitoria and Alberico Gentili, Grotiu...
John Abbot1587/881623
16471650 ca
 an English Roman Catholic clergyman and poet. His birthplace is uncertain, but may have been Lond...
Thomas Edwards [2]1599 ca1625
 an English Puritan clergyman. He was a very influential preacher in London of the 1640s, and also...
Anthony Knivetunknown1591
 an English sailor who fell into Portuguese hands in Brazil, lived for a while with a native Brazi...
Fearfeasa O Maol Chonaireunknown1620
 co-compiler and scribe of the Annals of the Four Masters. As a young man, he participated in the ...
Andre du Ryer1580 ca1630
 a French orientalist who wrote the third western translation of the Qur'an. He was a diplomatic a...
Jasper Fisher15911630
 an English divine and dramatist. About 1631 (according to Anthony Wood) he became rector of Wilsd...
Rene Descartes1596, Mar 311619
16501650, Feb 11
 a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist. Dubbed the father of modern western philosoph...
Niccolo Cabeo1586, Feb 261620
16501650, Jun 30
 an Italian Jesuit philosopher, theologian, engineer and mathematician. He is noted for his contri...
John Selden1584, Dec 161612
16521654, Nov 30
 an English jurist and a scholar of England's ancient laws and constitution and scholar of Jewish ...
Pierre Gassendi1592, Jan 221617
16531655, Oct 24
 a French philosopher, priest, scientist, astronomer, and mathematician. While he held a church po...
Theodore Tronchin1582, Apr 171608
16551657, Nov 19
 a Swiss Calvinist theologian, controversialist and Hebraist. He studied theology at Geneva, Basel...
Edward Fisherunknown1627
 an English theological writer. He is generally considered the author of The Marrow of Modern Divi...
Johann Heinrich Bisterfeld16051629
16551655, Feb 16
 a German philosopher, logician and encyclopedic writer from Siegen. A follower of Ramus and pupil...
Margherita Costa1600 ca1628
 a singer, poet, playwright and feminist, is the most Baroque of the seventeenth-century Italian w...
Menasseh Ben Israel16041632
16571657, Nov 20
 a Portuguese rabbi, kabbalist, writer, diplomat, printer and publisher, founder of the first Hebr...
Henry Cockeramunknown1623
 an English lexicographer. In 1623, he authored the third known English Language dictionary, and t...
Anthony Jenkinson15291550
 one of the first Britons to explore Muscovy and present day Russia. Jenkinson was a traveller and...
Saul Levi Morteira1596 ca1616
16601660, Feb 10
 a Dutch rabbi of Portuguese descent. Morteira was the founder of the congregational school Keter ...
Thomas Fuller16081630
16611661, Aug 16
 an English churchman and historian. He is now remembered for his writings, particularly his Worth...
Robert Abbot [1]1588 ca1610
16621662 ca
 an English theologian who promoted puritan doctrines. He is sometimes mistakenly described as the...
Cu Choigcriche O Cleirighunknown1624
 an Irish historian and genealogist, known in English as Peregrine O'Clery. Along with Brother Mí...
Mildmay Fane1602, Jan 241621
16661666, Feb 12
 an English nobleman, politician, and writer. One hundred and thirty seven poems by Fane appeared ...
William Day1605 ca1624
 an English cleric and biblical commentator. He received his education at Eton College. He was ele...
Jean Ogier de Gombauld15761624
 a French playwright and poet. Gombauld was born in Saint-Just-Luzac, Charente-Maritime and was a ...
Ismael Bullialdus1605, Sep 281632
16671694, Nov 25
 a famous astronomer and mathematician during the seventeenth century. He published several books,...
Pierre Corneille1606,Jun 61629
16681684, Oct 1
 a French tragedian. He is generally considered one of the three great seventeenth-century French ...
Jean-Baptiste Tavernier16051630
 a 17th-century French gem merchant and traveler. Tavernier, a private individual and merchant tra...
John Trapp1601, Jun 51622
16691669, Oct 16
 an English Anglican Bible commentator. His large five-volume commentary is still read today and i...
William Prynne16001627
16691669, Oct 24
 an English lawyer, author, polemicist, and political figure. He was a prominent Puritan opponent ...
John Webb16111628
16691672, Oct 24
 an English architect and scholar. In 1654 Webb designed the first classical portico on an English...
William Broughunknown1630
 an English royalist churchman, Dean of Gloucester from 1643. Brough was a supporter of William La...
Ingen Ryuki1592, Dec 71620
16731673, May 19
 a Chinese Linji Chán Buddhist monk, poet, and calligrapher. He is most known for founding the Ob...
Adam Vaclav Michna z Otradovic1600, Jun 301633
16731676, Oct 16
 a Czech Catholic aristocrat, poet, composer, hymn writer, organist and choir leader of the early ...
Salvator Rosa1615, Jun 20/Jul 211634
16731673, Mar 15
 an Italian Baroque painter, poet, and printmaker, who was active in Naples, Rome, and Florence. A...
Robert Herrick1591, Aug1623
16741674, Oct
 a 17th-century English lyric poet and cleric. He is best known for Hesperides, a book of poems. T...
John Milton1608, Dec 91623
16741674, Nov 8
 an English poet, polemicist, and man of letters, and a civil servant for the Commonwealth of Engl...
Thomas Hobbes1588, Apr 51608
16751679, Dec 4
 an English philosopher, best known today for his work on political philosophy. His 1651 book L...
Roger Williams1603, Dec 21 ca1628
16761683, Jan-Mar
 a Puritan, an English Reformed theologian, and later a Reformed Baptist who was expelled by the P...
Gian Lorenzo Bernini1598, Dec 71609
16781680, Nov 28
 an Italian artist and a prominent architect who worked principally in Rome. He was the leading sc...
Thomas Adyunknown1630
 an English physician and humanist who was the author of three sceptical books on witchcraft and w...
George Hartgillunknown1590
 an English astronomer. Hartgill was in considerable repute during Elizabeth I's reign, from his k...
Denzil Holles1599, Oct 311624
16801680, Feb 17
 an English statesman and writer, best known as one of the Five Members whose attempted unconstitu...
Edmund Waller1606, Mar 31624
16861687, Oct 21
 an English poet and politician who sat in the House of Commons at various times between 1624 and ...
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