One of the crew of the schooner Panda that took and plundered the Salem brig Mexican. The crew of the Panda were captured by an English man-of-war and taken to Boston. De Soto was condemned to death, but eventually fully pardoned owing to his heroic conduct in rescuing the crew of an American vessel some time previously.
 Gallery (1)

 Notes (2)
Panda Crew:
Boyga , Manuel: A Columbian. One of Captain Pedro Gilbert's crew in the Panda. Hanged at Boston in June, 1835.
Castillo , Manuel: A Columbian sailor in the schooner Panda. Hanged for piracy at Boston on June 11th, 1835.
The Pirates' Who's Who:
(P. Gosse, 1924)
One of the crew of the schooner Panda that took and plundered the Salem brig Mexican. The crew of the Panda were captured by an English man-of-war and taken to Boston. De Soto was condemned to death, but eventually fully pardoned owing to his h...
Bernado De Sotounknown1830

Captain Charles Gibbs1798, Nov 51816
18311831, Apr 25
 an American pirate who was one of the last active in the Caribbean during the early-19th century ...
Thomas Wansleyunknown1831
18311831, Feb
 A negro steward on the brig Vineyard, he mutinied and assisted to murder the captain and mate, af...
James Ford1770?1799?
 an American civic leader and business owner in western Kentucky and southern Illinois at the turn...
John Andrew Murrell1804/6?1820
 a near-legendary bandit operating in the United States, along the Mississippi River, in the mid-n...
Don Pedro Gilbert1800 ca1832
18341835, Jun 11
 an early 19th-century pirate, who was one of the few remaining pirates continuing to raid shippin...
 A hand aboard the brig Vineyard in 1830, he took part with Charles Gibbs and others in a mutiny i...
Manuel Boygaunknown1830
18391835, Jun
 A Columbian. One of Captain Pedro Gilbert's crew in the Panda. Hanged at Boston in June, 1835.
Manuel Castillounknown1830
18391835, Jun 11
 A Columbian sailor in the schooner Panda. Hanged for piracy at Boston on June 11th, 1835.
Edward Churchunknown1830
 In 1830 he served in the brig Vineyard, from New Orleans to Philadelphia. Took part in the mutiny...
Nicola Costaunknown1830
 One of Captain Gilbert's crew (cabin boy) in the pirate schooner Panda.
John Eldridgeunknown1830
 Suspected pirate, apprehended with 1,600 pieces of eight, 249 pieces of silver plate, 200 broken ...
Antonio Ferrerunknown1830
 One of Captain Gilbert's crew (and cook) in the pirate schooner Panda.
Angel Garciaunknown1830
18391835, Jun
 One of Gilbert's crew in the Panda. Hanged at Boston in June, 1835.
Domingo de Guzmanunknown1830
 One of Captain Gilbert's crew in the pirate schooner Panda.
Don Miguelunknown1830
 In 1830 commanded a squadron of small pirate vessels off the Azores. After seizing a Sardinian br...
Juan Montenegrounknown1830
 A Columbian. One of Captain Gilbert's crew in the pirate schooner Panda. Hanged at Boston ...
Juan Antonio Portanaunknown1830
 One of Captain Pedro Gilbert's crew in the pirate schooner Panda.
Francisco Ruizunknown1830
18391835, Sep 12
 One of Captain Pedro Gilbert's crew and carpenter in the pirate schooner Panda, which plundered t...
Captain Vallanuevaunknown1830
 A Dominican. Commanded in 1831 a small gaff-topsail schooner, the General Morazan, armed with a b...
Jose Velazquezunknown1830
 One of Captain Gilbert's crew in the pirate schooner Panda.
Kazimierz Lux17801795
 an officer of the Polish Legions and a pirate in the Caribbean Sea during the early 19th century....
Sam Hall Lord17781800
18491844, Nov 5
 one of the most famous buccaneers on the island of Barbados. Sam Lord as he was usually known, am...
Hiram Breakes17451760
 Breakes was the tall, handsome son of the Councilor of the Island of Saba. In 1764, he was appoin...
Eli Boggs18101830
 an American pirate, one of the last active ocean-going pirates operating off the coast of China d...
Bill Johnston1782, Feb 11810
18601870, Feb 17
 a Thousand Islands smuggler, river pirate, and War of 1812 American privateer. His most famous un...
Juan Gomez17811790
18891900, Jul 13
 Brother-in-law of the famous pirate Gasparilla. Died, credited with the great age of 120 years, a...
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