commanded rearguard at Henry Morgan's raid on Panama
 Gallery (1)

 Notes (1)
The Pirates' Who's Who:
(P. Gosse, 1924)
This buccaneer was probably a relation of Sir Henry Morgan. He was an important person in Jamaica between 1660 and 1670. At the taking of Panama by Henry Morgan in 1670 the Colonel commanded the rearguard of 300 men. In May, 1671, he was appointed to act as Deputy ...
Colonel Bledry Morganunknown1660

Theunis Postunknown1650
1660s 9unknown
 Captain of a privateer in 1654. In 1660 he served on a merchant ship to the West-Indies. During t...
Captain De L'Isleunknown1659
Carlo Juvaraunknown1661
Koxinga 1624, Aug 241646
16621662, Jun 23
 a Chinese military leader who was born in Hirado, Japan to the Chinese merchant/pirate Zheng Zhil...
Abraham Blauvelt1600 ca1630
16631663 ca
 a Dutch privateer and explorer mapping much of Central America in the 1630s, after whom both the ...
Gustav Skytte16371657
16631663, Apr 21
 a Swedish nobleman and pirate. Born as the child of Jacob Skytte and Anna Bjelkenstjerna, he beca...
Chevalier de la Barreunknown1663
16631670 CA
 operated in the Mediterranean Sea. ....... Maltese pirate. He served in the Mediterranean Sea...
John Lucasunknown1663
Captain Mitchellunknown1663
 An English buccaneer of Jamaica, who flourished in 1663.
Lewis Scot1650s-16631663
 an English buccaneer who, according to writer Alexander Esquemeling, was the first Englishman to ...
Jacques de Joinville Escrainvilleunknown1664
 Knight of Malta
Captain Freemanunknown1663
1665 unknown
 In 1663, Captain Freeman was one among many pirates (Captain Sir Henry Morgan, David Marteen, Cap...
David Marteenunknown1663
 a Dutch privateer based in Tortuga during the mid-17th century, known primarily as the sole non-E...
Lieut-Colonel Edward Morganunknown1664
 Buccaneer. Uncle and father-in-law of Sir Henry Morgan. In 1665, when war had been declared on ...
John Bamfieldunknown1665
 Sailed with Edward Morgan English pirate. He served in the Caribbean. He sailed with Henry Morga...
Captain Hattsellunknown1665
 This buccaneer served as an officer with Mansfield in his successful and daring night attack on t...
Cornelis Evertsen the Elder1610, Aug 41626
16661666, Jun 11
 a Dutch admiral. In 1626 Cornelis is first mentioned as actually serving on sea, during a private...
Edward Mansveltunknown1659
 a 17th-century Dutch corsair and buccaneer who, at one time, was acknowledged as an informal chie...
Captain Morris Williamsunknown1664
 Buccaneer. In November, 1664, he applied to Governor Modyford to be allowed to bring into Port Ro...
Captain Stedmanunknown1666
 Buccaneer. In 1666, with Captain Robert Searle and a party of only eighty men, he took and plunde...
Sir Thomas Whetstoneunknown1661
 Buccaneer. In 1663 he commanded a ship, a Spanish prize, armed with seven guns and carrying a cre...
Teodosio D'Estampesunknown1667
 Knight of Malta
Francois l'Ollonais16351660
 a French pirate active in the Caribbean during the 1660s. L'Olonnais first arrived in the Caribbe...
Captain Branunknown1668
16681675 ca
 an English pirate, he worked in the Caribbean. With Henry Morgan, he plundered Porto Bello. And w...
Captain Adam Brewsterunknown1668
16681675 ca
 Sailed with Henry Morgan .... English pirate and captain, he served in the Caribbean. He took pa...
Jean Doglerunknown1668
 participated in the campaign Morgan Porto Bello.
Moise van Wijn unknown1668
Major Samuel Smithunknown1640
 Buccaneer. At one time a buccaneer with the famous Mansfield. In 1641 he was sent, by the Governo...
Philippe Bequelunknown1650
 a 17th-century French privateer. At the request of Deschamps of Rausset, Bequel would use the sma...
Jacquotte Delahayeunknown1650
 a probably fictitious pirate, or buccaneer, active in the Caribbean sea. Alongside Anne Dieu-le-V...
Sir Christopher Myngs16251650
  English naval officer and pirate. He first appears prominently as the captain of the Elisabeth, ...
Christina Anna Skytte16431650
 a Swedish baroness and pirate. From 1657 onward, her brother, baron Gustav Skytte, secrecy manage...
Bartolomeu Portuguesunknown1655
 a Portuguese buccaneer who attacked Spanish shipping in the late 1660s; he also established one o...
Captain John Aylettunknown1660
 Commanded the Portland for the British navy at the Battle of Lowestoft in 1665 Later he became an...
Captain Barnardunknown1660
 Buccaneer. In June, 1663, this buccaneer sailed from Port Royal to the Orinoco. He took and plund...
Captain Brenninghamunknown1660
 Of Jamaica and Tortuga. In 1663 commanded a frigate of six guns and seventy men.
Richard Browneunknown1660
 Surgeon-General in Morgan's fleet which carried the buccaneers to the Spanish Main. He wrote an a...
Captain Cooperunknown1660
 On October 19th, 1663, he brought into Port Royal, Jamaica, two Spanish prizes, one the Maria of ...
Charlotte de Berry16361660
 a female pirate captain.While de Berry worked on the docks, a captain of a merchant ship saw her ...
Peter Francisunknown1660
 17th Century buccaneer who is mentioned in the book The Buccaneers of America by John Esquemeling...
Captain Guyunknown1660
 Commanded the frigate James (fourteen guns, ninety men). Belonged to Tortuga Island and Jamaica i...
Captain Herdueunknown1660
 Buccaneer. Commanded a frigate of four guns, crew of forty men, at Tortuga Island, in 1663.
Captain James [1]unknown1660
 Buccaneer. Belonged to Jamaica and Tortuga. In 1663 was in command of a frigate, the American (si...
Captain M La Vivonunknown1660
 French filibuster. Commanded the Cour Valant of La Rochelle. In December, 1668, his ship was seiz...
Michel Le Basqueunknown1660
 A French filibuster. In company with the butcher L'Onnais and 650 other buccaneers, he pillaged t...
Chevalier du Plessisunknown1660
 French privateer active in the West Indies. He was succeeded by Moise Vauquelin following his death.
Captain Edward Dempsterunknown1668
 With Morgan, participated in campaigns to Maracaibo and Porto Belo. n
Jeffery Pennantunknown1668
Thomas Salterunknown1669
Bernard Claesen Speirdykeunknown1663
 a 17th-century Dutch buccaneer. Commander of the 18-gun Mary and Jane, he was a longtime privatee...
John Morris the Youngerunknown1668
 One of Captain Bartholomew Roberts' crew. When the Royal Fortune surrendered to H.M.S. Swallow, M...
Roche Braziliano1630, Feb 271654
 a Dutch pirate born in the town of Groningen. His pirate career lasted from 1654 until his disapp...
Stepan Razin16301660
16711671, Jun 16
 a Cossack leader who led a major uprising against the nobility and tsarist bureaucracy in souther...
Joseph Bradley1600 ca1665
 Bradley was a pirate who was active in the Caribbean. Sailed with Edward Mansfield and Henry Morg...
Edward Collierunknown1668
 an English buccaneer who served as Sir Henry Morgan's second-in-command throughout much of his ex...
Richard Dobsonunknown1668
1671 unknown
 participated in the campaigns for Morgan Maracaibo, Porto Belo and Panama.
Manuel Ribeiro Pardalunknown1668
 a 17th-century Portuguese privateer in Spanish service during the late 1660s and early 1670s. Par...
Manuel Pardal Riverounknown1668
 Privateer.....Spain, a long time victim of pirating, suffering heavy losses from the pirates and ...
Captain Robert Delanderunknown1670
 commanded a ship during the trip to Panama with Morgan.
Captain Richard Normanunknown1670
 Served under Morgan in 1670, and after the fall of Chagres Fort, Norman was left in charge with 5...
Moise Vauquelinunknown1650
 An officer under François l'Ollonais, he also had a partnership with Pierre Le Picard. In his l...
Lawrence Prince1630 ca1659
 a 17th-century Dutch buccaneer and an officer under Captain Sir Henry Morgan. Captain Prince was ...
John Smith [4]unknown1660
 One of the mutinous crew of the Antonio. Hanged at Boston in 1672.
John Morris the Elderunknown1663
 an English buccaneer active in the Caribbean during the 1660s and early-1670s. His son, John Morr...
Brother Francesco Maria Carafaunknown1669
 an Italian nobleman, 5th Duke of Nocera, a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece and was vicer...
William Forrestunknown1670
 One of the mutinous crew of the Antonio hanged at Boston in 1672.
Grillo Diego unknown1620
  Spanish but worked for the French, Hanged
Diego Grillounknown1639
 There are relatively few historical records of Diego el mulato Grillo, and they are not all consi...
Jacques Tavernier16251664
 a French privateer and buccaneer supposedly active in the Caribbean during the mid-17th century. ...
Daniel Johnson16291657
 an English buccaneer who, serving under buccaneers as Moyse Van Vin and Pierre le Picard, sailed ...
Captain John Rhoadeunknown1670
 A Dutch coasting pilot of Boston. In 1674 appointed chief pilot to the Curacao privateer Flyin...
Moro Ciriffounknown1675
 Corsair. Captured by Knights of Saint Stephen
Charles Francois d'Angennes1648, Dec 61672
 a French nobleman who became a buccaneer in the Caribbean and who sold his castle and title to to...
Captain John Deaneunknown1675
1676 unknown
 various flags used during the attack on the enemy, captured and sentenced to death in Jamaica, bu...
Captain Barnesunknown1677
16771680 ca
 Sailed with Captain Lagarde; involved with the pirates captain Lagarde in a raid on the Santa Mar...
Cornelis Evertsen the Younger1628, Apr 161648
16781679, Sep 20
 a Dutch Admiral from the 17th century. Cornelis was the son of Lieutenant-Admiral Johan Evertsen ...
Isaac Rochussen16311650
 a 17th-century Dutch corsair and privateer during the Second and Third Anglo-Dutch War. His captu...
William Froggeunknown1660
 Buccaneer. Was with Morgan in his attacks on Porto Bello and Panama in 1670. He kept a diary of t...
Captain Hanselunknown1660
 He behaved himself so courageously at the taking of Porto Bello in 1669, that a party of some 400...
Daniel Montbars16451660
16791707 ca
 a 17th-century French buccaneer. For several years, he was known as one of the most violent bucca...
Captain Thurstonunknown1660
 Buccaneer. Of Tortuga Island. Refused to accept the Royal offer of pardon of 1670, when all commi...
Captain Cornelius Andresonunknown1670
 A Dutch pirate. Sailed from Boston in 1674 with Captain Roderigo to plunder English ships along t...
Richard Arnold [2]unknown1670
16791680, May 3
 Sailed with Edward Davis and Peter Harris.... English pirate. He served in the Pacific off th...
Eduardo Blomarunknown1670
 Spanish renegade active in the Spanish Main during the 1670s. Tried in absentia and convicted of ...
James Browneunknown1670
  Executed by the verdict of France in Jamaica for sea robbery. Hanged ...... Scottish pirate,...
William Cammockunknown1670
16791679, Dec 14
 A seaman under Captain Bartholomew Sharp. He died at sea on December 14th, 1679, off the coast of...
Peter Harris the Elderunknown1670
16791680, May 3
 a British buccaneer, one of the captains (along with Bartholomew Sharp and Edmund Cook) in the Pa...
Captain Harrisonunknown1670
 Sailed in October, 1670, in company with Captains Prince and Ludbury, into Port Royal, after a su...
Captain Johnsonunknown1670
 A successful and very bloody pirate. Of Jamaica. Immediately after the publication of peace by Si...
Randall Judsonunknown1670
 One of Captain Roderigo's crew. Tried for piracy at Cambridge, Massachusetts, in June, 1675, and ...
Jan Erasmus Reiningunknown1670
 Dutch Freebooter and privateer in the latter half of the Seventeenth century. He was part of the ...
Captain Peter Rodrigounknown1670
 A "Flanderkin." Commanded a Dutch vessel, the Edward and Thomas, that sailed from Boston in 1674,...
Captain Wilgressunknown1670
 Buccaneer. Of Jamaica. Sent by the Governor of Jamaica in 1670 to search for, and capture or sink...
John Williams [1]unknown1670
 A Cornish pirate, who sailed from Jamaica with Captain Morrice, and was captured by the Dutch. Ev...
Alexander Wilsonunknown1670
 One of the mutineers of the ship Antonio. Hanged at Boston in 1672.
Pierre Le Grandunknown1620 or 1660
 a French buccaneer of the 17th century. He is known to history only from one source, Alexandre Ex...
Mr. Bullunknown1670
 A member of the crew of Coxon's canoe, he was killed in the famous attack by the buccaneers on th...
 A Dutch pirate who acted as interpreter to Captain Bartholomew Sharp's South Sea Expedition. Capt...
Peter Easton [2]unknown1670
Captain Lessoneunknown1675
 In 1680 he joined Sharp, Coxon, and other English buccaneers in an attack on Porto Bello. Putting...
Captain Bournanounknown1678
16801690 ca
 a French pirate, he worked in the Caribbean. He was associated with Bartholomew Sharp and togethe...
John Alexanderunknown1670
16811681, May 9
 Sailed with Bartholomew Sharp. Drowned while ferrying tools ashore at the island of Chira. Buried...
Captain Archembeauunknown1670
16811681/1682 ca
 a French pirate and member of the team of William Dampier. He served in the Caribbean and challen...
William Cookunknown1670
16811681, Feb 14
 Servant to Captain Edmund Cook, and was found, on being searched, to have on him a paper with the...
Zheng Jing1642, Oct 251662
16821681, Mar 17
 Chinese pirate and warlord. The eldest son of Koxinga and grandson of Zheng Zhilong, he succeeded...
Robert Clarkeunknown1670
 Governor of New Providence, Bahama Islands. Instead of trying to stamp out the pirates, he did al...
William Stephensunknown1670
16821682, Jan 14
 Died on January 14th, 1682, on board of Captain Sharp's ship a few days before their return to th...
Captain William Wrightunknown1675
 an English privateer in French service and later buccaneer who raided Spanish towns in the late 1...
John Coxonunknown1677
16821689 ca
 a late seventeenth-century buccaneer who terrorized the Spanish Main. Coxon was one of the most f...
Captain Nicholas Van Hoorn1635 ca1655
1683 1683, Jun
 a merchant sailor, privateer and pirate. He was born in the Netherlands and died near Veracruz af...
Captain Edward Cookeunknown1673
 a merchant captain, buccaneer, and pirate. He is best known for sailing against the Spanish along...
Pierre Botunknown1672
 French buccaneer active in the Caribbean.
Basil Ringroseunknown1653
 surgeon and cartographer ……runaway indentured servant who joined Bartholomew Sharp's "Pacific...
Michel de Grammont16451670
 a French pirate. He was born in Paris, France and was lost at sea in the north-east Caribbean, Ap...
Charles Swanunknown1671
  a reluctant buccaneer. Captain Swan was forced into piracy by his crew in the 1680s, and proceed...
Jan Willemsunknown1678
 a 17th-century Dutch buccaneer. Based out of Petit-Goâve, Willems participated in a number of ex...
Sir Henry Morgan1635 ca1663
16881688, Aug 25
 a British privateer, buccaneer, and admiral of the Royal Navy. He made himself famous during acti...
John Ansellunknown1660
 Sailed with Henry Morgan and participated in his raids against Maracaibo and Gibraltar, Venezuela...
Captain Androeasunknown1670
 A Chief or Captain of the Darien Indians, who in 1679 conducted the buccaneers under Coxon and Ha...
Willem Bastiaanszoon1620 ca1670
 Dutch merchant and mariner in the Dutch navy. He was born in Haarlem. He took part in the war bet...
Jan Bontunknown1670
 Dutch privateer who lived in the second half of the seventeenth century. He commanded a squadron ...
Captain John Coxunknown1670
 Born in New England, and considered by some of his fellow buccaneers "to have forced kindred upon...
Juan Guartemunknown1670
 a Spanish renegade pirate who raided Spanish settlements in New Spain during the late 17th centur...
Captain Lagardeunknown1670
 A French filibuster of San Domingo, who in 1684 commanded a small ship, La Subtille (crew of thir...
Captain Linchunknown1670
 Buccaneer. Of Port Royal, Jamaica. In 1680 Lionel Wafer, tiring of the life of a civil surgeon at...
Thomas Magottunknown1670
 English buccaneer who sailed with Bartholomew Sharp and others on the "Pacific Adventure".
Captain Rowunknown1670
 Buccaneer. In 1679, at the Boca del Toro, was with the buccaneer fleet that attacked and sacked S...
Captain Yallahsunknown1670
 A Dutch buccaneer. In 1671 fled from Jamaica to Campeachy, there selling his frigate to the Spani...
Captain Pierre Le Picard16241660
1689?1690 ca
 a 17th-century French buccaneer. He was an officer to Francois l'Ollonais, and he and Moise Vauq...
Johan van Brakel1638 ca1666
16901690, Jul 10
 Dutch naval officer. In 1687 he was rear-Admiral in a fleet that was active against the Barbary c...
Alexandre-Olivier Exquemelin16451669
 a French, Dutch or Flemish writer best known as the author of one of the most important sourceboo...
Jean Bart1650, Oct 211672
16971702, Apr 27
 a French naval commander and privateer. He served in the Dutch Navy and later became a successful...
Laurens de Graaf16531672
16971704, May 24
 Characterised as "a great and mischievous pirate" by Henry Morgan, de Graaf was a Dutch pirate, m...
Jean-Baptiste du Casse16461676
 a French buccaneer, admiral, and colonial administrator who served throughout the Atlantic World ...
Sir James Houblon1629, Jul1654
16981700, Oct
 an influential merchant and Member of Parliament for the City of London. He held appointments in ...
Sidi Abdulla Ben Aissaunknown1672
16981698 ca
 pirate who targeted French ships. ..... Berber (Moroccan) pirate. He served in the Mediterran...
Antonio Fuetunknown1660
 This French pirate from Narbonne was known as Captain Moidore. Once, when he was attacking a ship...
Anne Dieu-Le-Veut1661, Aug 281650
17041710, Jan 11
 a French Pirate. Alongside Jacquotte Delahaye she was one of very few female Buccaneers. She was ...
William Dampier1651, Sep1673
17151715, Mar
 the first Englishman to explore parts of what is today Australia, and the first person to circumn...
Robert Searleunknown1650
 one of the earliest and most active of the English buccaneers on Jamaica. Nothing, to date, is kn...
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