1642, Dec 251665-17261726, Mar 20
an English physicist and mathematician (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica ("Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"), first published in 1687, laid the foundations for classical mechanics. Newton made seminal contributions to optics, and he shares credit with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz for the development of calculus.
 Timeline (7)
06/05/1661-Isaac Newton admitted as a student to Trinity College, Cambridge
07/07/1668-Isaac Newton receives MA from Trinity College, Cambridge 
02/08/1672-Isaac Newton reads first optics paper before Royal Society in London 
07/05/1687-Isaac Newton's Principia published by Royal Society in England
01/26/1697-Isaac Newton receives Johann Bernoulli's 6 month time-limit problem, solves problem before going to bed that same night
04/16/1705-Queen Queen Anne of England knights Isaac Newton at Trinity College
04/15/1726-Isaac Newton tells a biographer the story of how an apple falling in his garden prompted him to develop his law of universal gravitation.
 Mentions (5)
Firmin Abauzit
...notable for proofreading or correcting the writings of Isaac Newton and other scholars.
Johannes Kepler
...These works also provided one of the foundations for Isaac Newton's theory of universal gravitation.
Godfrey Kneller
...Collection, London); a series of four portraits of Isaac Newton painted at various junctures of the latter's life;...
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
...differential and integral calculus independently of Isaac Newton. Leibniz's notation has been widely used ever since...
John Michael Rysbrack
...prominent men of his day, including the monument to Isaac Newton in Westminster Abbey, a statue of Marlborough, and...
 Quotes (7) • View in Quotations
Genius is patience.
I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
I see I have made my self a slave to Philosophy.
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.
Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my greatest friend is truth.
To any action there is always an opposite and equal reaction; in other words, the actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal and always opposite in direction.
Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.
Isaac Newton1642, Dec 251665
17261726, Mar 20

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17621762, Jul 13
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