Former Dutch privateer turned Barbary corsair. He attacked the Dutch ship St. Jan Babtista under Jacob Jacobsen of Ilpendam on March 7, 1626......Corsair who was active in the 17th century. Attacked a Dutch ship on 7 March 1626, called the St. Jan Babtista and captained by Jacob Jacobsen of Ilpendam........ Alias: Meinart Dircxsen, family of Ivan Dirkie De Veenboer. Captain on board of one of the three ships that were commanded by Jan Janszoon on 29 May 1620. On that day they met a NL merchant ship that managed to scare the corsairs off by pretending to be a NL man-of-war on a commission to capture privateers……Alias: Jan Marinus van Sommelsdijk. Corsair who was active in the 17th century. Attacked a NL ship on 7 March 1626, called the St. Jan Babtista and captained by Jacob Jacobsen of Ilpendam……Alias: Meinart Dircxsen, family of De Veenboer. Captain on board of one of the three ships that were commanded by Jan Janszoon on 29 May 1620. On that day they met a Dutch merchant ship that managed to scare the corsairs off by pretending to be a Dutch man-of-war on a commission to capture privateers……..Alias: Jan Marinus van Sommelsdijk. Corsair who was active in the 17th century. Attacked a Dutch ship on 7 March 1626, called the St. Jan Babtista and captained by Jacob Jacobsen of Ilpendam.
 Gallery (1)

Jan Marinus van Sommelsdijkunknown1620

Juan Garciaunknown1622
 a 17th-century Spanish privateer. He was among a number of Spaniards who served the Spanish Crown...
Cornelis Wittebolunknown1622
 Dutch corsair in Spanish service. In February 1622, attacked a fishing fleet from the Veere and M...
Sampson Denballunknown1624
 traveled to Tunisia, converted to Islam and made ??several raids, arrested in 1624 and sent to th...
Filips van Zuylenunknown1624
 As part of the Groot Desseyn plan, he was particularly active against the Portuguese in West Afri...
Hendrik Worstunknown1624
 Dutch corsair who accompanied Pieter Schouten in his expedition to the West Indies.
Joost van Dykunknown1615
16251631 ca
 a Dutch privateer (and, reportedly, sometime pirate) who was one of the earliest European settler...
Pieter Schoutenunknown1622
 a 17th-century Dutch corsair and privateer. He was one of the first Dutchmen to explore to the Ca...
Willem Jacobszoonunknown1624
 Dutch corsair who accompanied Pieter Schouten on one of the first major expeditions to the West I...
Claes Gerritszoon Compaen15871621
16271660, Feb 25
 a 17th-century Dutch corsair and merchant. Dissatisfied as a privateer for the Dutch Republic, he...
Brother Francesco Carafaunknown1625
 Knight of Malta. Captain General of Galleys
Hendrick Jacobszoon Lucifer15831627
 a Dutch-born pirate. Hendrick's last name, Lucifer, referred to a lighting stick, not to the fall...
Dirck Simonszoon van Uitgeestunknown1628/29
 Dutch corsair who commanded a WIC expedition to Brazil bringing back over 12 Portuguese and Spani...
Jan Janszoon15701600
16291641 ca
 one of the most succesful corsairs of the Mediterranean sea. Like so many Dutch pirates Jan, of t...
Li Danunknown1600
 a prominent early 17th century Chinese merchant originally from Quanzhou in Fujian province. Li o...
Piet Hein1577, Nov 251607
16291629, Jun 18
 a Dutch admiral and privateer for the Dutch Republic during the Eighty Years' War between the Uni...
Henry Chandlerunknown1610
 Born in Devonshire, his father kept a chandler's shop in Southwark. An English renegado at Algier...
Jan Jacobsen1588/891610
 a Flemish naval commander and Dunkirker during the Eighty Years' War. He became a posthumous hero...
John Browneunknown1620
 An English sailor who joined the Barbary pirates at Algiers and turned Mohammedan. Taken in the E...
Balduino Enricounknown1620
16291626 ca
 a Dutch privateer who starred in the famous assault to Puerto Rico of 1625. Baudouin Enrico is th...
Pedro de la Plesaunknown1620
 a 17th-century Spanish privateer. He served as a Dunkirker in the service of the Spanish Crown du...
Captain Samsonunknown1620
 English pirate who was active in the seventeenth century. Captured the ship the Vergulde Leeuw, C...
Dirck Simonszoon van Uitgeest1590 ca1620
16291635 ca
 Dutch pirate, he worked at the northern coast of South America. Challenged the Spanish and Portug...
Villa Riseunknown1620
 In the year 1621 this Moorish pirate commanded a small squadron of five vessels which took an Eng...
Dierick Ruyters unknown1618
Pieter Adriaanszoon Ita15971628
 a 17th-century Dutch corsair and privateer. He was also an admiral in the Dutch West India Compan...
Hendrick Corneliszoon Loncqunknown1628
John Nuttunknown1620
 a 17th-century English pirate. He was one of the more notorious brigands of his time raiding the ...
Sussex Camockunknown1625
 an English privateer who was involved in establishing the Providence Island colony, a Puritan col...
Liu Xiangunknown1620
Jacob Collaartunknown1625
 a Flemish admiral who served as privateer and one of the Dunkirkers in Spanish Habsburg service d...
Jacob Willekens1564/711590
 a Dutch admiral on a fleet to the Dutch Indies, and a herring seller, who went to sea again at th...
Nathaniel Butler1577/781619
1639 unknown
 an English privateer who later served as the colonial governor of Bermuda during the early 17th c...
Moses Cohen Henriquesunknown1620
 a Dutch pirate of Portuguese Sephardic Jewish origin active in the Caribbean against Spain and Br...
Jan van Ryenunknown1620
 a 17th-century Dutch privateer, explorer, and colonist. He was granted a commission by the Dutch ...
Daniel Elfrithunknown1607
 a 17th-century English privateer, colonist and slave trader. In the service of the Earl of Warwic...
Hendrik Brouwer15811606
16431643, Aug 7
 a Dutch explorer, admiral, and colonial administrator both in Japan and the Dutch East Indies. He...
Zheng Zhilong16041623
 a Chinese merchant, pirate and military leader in the late Ming dynasty who later defected to the...
Cornelius Corneliszoon Jol15971620
16491641, Oct 31
 a 17th-Century Dutch corsair and admiral in the Dutch West India Company during the Eighty Years'...
Catalina de Erausounknown1585
 a one-time nun who subsequently travelled around Spain and Spanish America, mostly under male ide...
Cornelis Evertsen the Elder1610, Aug 41626
16661666, Jun 11
 a Dutch admiral. In 1626 Cornelis is first mentioned as actually serving on sea, during a private...
Grillo Diego unknown1620
  Spanish but worked for the French, Hanged
Pierre Le Grandunknown1620 or 1660
 a French buccaneer of the 17th century. He is known to history only from one source, Alexandre Ex...
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