1769, Jul 101791-18151842, Jul 13
the first American physician to perform a successful Caesarean section, which he performed on his own wife at the birth of their only child on January 14, 1794. He earned a B.A. Degree at Philadelphia College before apprenticing with Dr. Benjamin Rush and attending Medical School. In April 1791, he received the title Doctor of Medicine, at the same time he received his M. A. degree. Dr. Bennett married Miss Elizabeth Hogg in 1793 and settled in Rockingham County, Virginia, establishing his practice in a log cabin.
 Gallery (1)

 Timeline (1)
01/13/1794-Dr. Jesse Bennett of Rockingham County VA, performs first successful Cesarean section operation on his wife
Jesse Bennett1769, Jul 101791
18151842, Jul 13

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 a British naval surgeon and explorer of Australia. At the age of 18 he was accepted in London as ...
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