famous as an English commercial architect of large houses, particularly in London. His most notable achievement is perhaps The Paragon in Blackheath, a 14-house perfect crescent occupying a semicircular plot in the corner of the Heath.
 Gallery (1)

Michael Searles17501780

John Gwynn17131749
17811786, Feb 28
 an English architect and civil engineer, who became one of the founder members of the Royal Acade...
Antonio Rinaldi1710 ca1751
17841794, Apr 10
 an Italian architect, trained by Luigi Vanvitelli, who worked mainly in Russia. His first importa...
Sir Robert Taylor17141740
 a notable English architect of the mid-late 18th century. Among his earliest projects was Asgill ...
Thomas Sandby17211740
17891798, Jun 25
 an English draughtsman, watercolour artist, architect and teacher. In 1743 he was appointed priva...
Etienne-Louis Boullee1728, Feb 121762
17901799, Feb 4
 a visionary French neoclassical architect whose work greatly influenced contemporary architects. ...
Robert Adam1728, Jul 31746
17921792, Mar 3
 a Scottish neoclassical architect, interior designer and furniture designer. Robert Adam was a le...
Nicolas-Henri Jardin1720, Mar 221738
17931799, Aug 31
  a neoclassical architect, was born in St. Germain des Noyers, Dept. Seine-et-Marne, France, and...
Henry Emlyn17291781
17951815, Dec 10
 an English architect. Emlyn published A Proposition for a new Order in Architecture, with rules f...
Sir William Chambers1723, Feb 231740
17961796, Mar 10
 a Scottish-Swedish architect, based in London. Among his best-known works are Somerset House, Lon...
Januarius Zick1730, Feb 61750
17971797, Nov 14
 a painter and architect. He is considered to be one of the main masters of the Late-Baroque. Janu...
Johann Joseph Thalherr17301750
17981801, Oct 16
 an Austrian architect. He is one of the main representatives of the Palladian revival in Central ...
John Carr of York17231752
 a prolific English architect. Best known for Buxton Crescent and Harewood House, much of his work...
Richard Jupp17281755
17991799, Apr 17
 an 18th-century English architect, particularly associated with buildings in and around London. H...
James Bloodworth1759, Mar 71788
18031804, Mar 21
 A master bricklayer and builder responsible for the construction of most of the buildings in the ...
Laurent-Benoît Dewez1731, Apr 141758
18041812, Nov 1
 a Belgian architect of Walloon origin. He is considered the most influential architect in the Aus...
Joseph Bonomi the Elder1739, Jan 191768
18041808, Mar 9
 an Italian architect and draughtsman who spent most of his career in England where he became a su...
Charles Percier1764, Aug 221784
18041838, Sep 5
 a neoclassical French architect, interior decorator and designer, who was one of the inventors an...
Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart1739, Feb 151782
18071813, Jun 6
  a prominent French architect. Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart designed hotels, including the Hôt...
Giuseppe Piermarini1734, Jul 181765
18081808, Feb 18
 an Italian architect who trained with Luigi Vanvitelli at Rome and designed the Teatro alla Scala...
Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard1743, Sep 111764
18091809, Jun 4
 a Danish neoclassical and royal history painter, sculptor, architect, and professor of painting, ...
18091814, Nov 18
 noted for his works on and in various churches of Brazil. Within a very short time he had become ...
Samuel McIntire1757, Jan 161780
18091811, Feb 6
 an American architect and craftsman, Chestnut Street District, a legacy to one of the earliest ar...
Ezra Weeksunknown1800
 a successful builder who served as a witness in a sensationalized murder trial. John McComb, the...
Giacomo Quarenghi1744, Sep 20/211770
18171817, Feb 18
 was the foremost and most prolific practitioner of Palladian architecture in Imperial Russia, par...
Levi Weeks17761800
 the accused in the infamous Manhattan Well Murder trial of 1800, the first murder trial in the Un...
Benjamin Henry Latrobe1764, May 11784
18201820, Sep 3
 a British subject and neoclassical architect. In his thirties, he emigrated to the new United Sta...
Barthelemy Lafon17691790
18201820, Sep 29
 a notable Creole architect, engineer, city planner, and surveyor in New Orleans, Louisiana. He ap...
Thomas Jefferson1743, Apr 21767
18241826, Jul 4
 an American Founding Father, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776), and ...
Joseph Christian Lillie1760, Mar 201775
18271827, Jan 29
 a Danish neoclassical architect and interior designer. His early career was in Denmark, where he ...
William Thornton1759, May 201789
18281828, Mar 28
 a British-American physician, inventor, painter and architect who designed the United States Capi...
Mary Townley17531770
 she designed several buildings in Ramsgate in the late 18th century, making her one of England's ...
James Hoban1758 ca1779
18291831, Dec 8
 an Irish architect, best known for designing the White House in Washington, D.C. He excelled in h...
John McComb Jr.17631792
 an American architect who designed many landmarks in the 18th and 19th centuries. McComb's father...
Joao Frederico Ludovice16731698
 a German born architect and goldsmith. Ludovice was born in Hohenhart. In 1698 he went to Italy, ...
John Nash1752, Jan 181778
18301835, May 13
 a British architect responsible for much of the layout of Regency London under the patronage of t...
John Soane1753, Sep 101780
18321837, Jan 20
 an English architect who specialised in the Neo-Classical style. The son of a bricklayer, he rose...
Charles Bulfinch1763, Aug 81788
18321844, Apr 15
 an early American architect, and has been regarded by many as the first native-born American to p...
Thomas Telford1757, Aug 91771
18341834, Sep 2
 a Scottish civil engineer, architect and stonemason, and road, bridge and canal builder. After es...
Christian Heinrich Nebbien17781783
  a German-born landscaping architect, mainly active in Austria. He also wrote a book on the metho...
Joseph-Jacques Ramee1764, Apr 261790
18391842, May 18
 a French architect, interior designer, and landscape architect working within the neoclassicist i...
William Wilkins1778, Aug 311804
18391839, Aug 31
 an English architect, classical scholar and archaeologist. He designed the National Gallery and U...
Karl Friedrich Schinkel1781, Mar 131805
18391841, Oct 9
 a Prussian architect, city planner, and painter who also designed furniture and stage sets. Schin...
Vasily P. Stasov1769, Aug 41810
18391848, Sep 5
 a Russian architect. He extensively travelled in France and Italy, where he became professor at t...
Giovanni Paolo Panini1691, Jun 171710
1841765, Oct 21
 a painter and architect, who worked in Rome and is mainly known as one of the vedutisti ("view pa...
Lauritz de Thurah1706, Mar 41725
1841759, Sep 5
 a Danish architect and architectural writer. He became the most important Danish architect of the...
Asher Benjamin1773, Jun 151794
18411845, Jul 26
 an American architect and author whose work transitioned between Federal style architecture and t...
Ithiel Town1784, Oct 31810
18431844, Jun 13
 a prominent American architect and civil engineer. One of the first generation of professional ar...
William Burn1789, Dec 201811
18461870, Feb 15
 a Scottish architect, pioneer of the Scottish Baronial style. A talented architect, he received m...
Carlo Rossi1775, Dec 181795
18491849, Apr 18
 an Italian architect, who worked the major portion of his life in Russia. He was the author of ma...
Leo von Klenze1784, Feb 291808
18491864, Jan 26
 a German neoclassicist architect, painter and writer. Court architect of Bavarian King Ludwig I, ...
Alexander Parris1780, Nov 241801
18501852, Jun 16
 a prominent American architect-engineer. Beginning as a housewright, he evolved into an architect...
Abdallah Khanunknown1810
 a Persian painter and architect, active between 1810 and 1850 in Tehran. He received his apprenti...
Pierre François Leonard Fontaine1762, Sep 201794
18531853, Oct 10
 a neoclassical French architect, interior decorator and designer. Starting in 1794 Fontaine worke...
William Strickland1788, Nov1800
18531854, Apr 6
 a noted architect in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Nashville, Tennessee. A student of Benjamin ...
Robert Mills1781, Aug 121800
18551855, Mar 3
 known for designing the Washington Monument, is sometimes called the first native born American t...
Thomas Cubitt1788, Feb 251810
18551855, Dec 20
 was the leading master builder in London in the second quarter of the 19th century, and also carr...
Sir Charles Barry1795, May 231812
18581860, May 12
 an English architect, best known for his role in the rebuilding of the Palace of Westminster (als...
John Dobson1787, Dec 91811
18631865, Jan 8
 a 19th-century English architect in the neoclassical tradition. He became the most noted architec...
Anton Pius Riegel1789, Dec 51810
18681868, Aug 7
 an Austrian architect of the 19th century. He is mainly known for the design of the Károlyi pala...
Antoine-Louis Barye1796, Sep 241810
18691875, Jun 25
 an Italian painter and architect of the early-Baroque period, active in Rome and Spain, where he ...
Edward Blore1787, Sep 131811
18741879, Sep 4
 a 19th-century British landscape and architectural artist, architect and antiquary. In 1826, he w...
Robert Mylne1733, Jan 41758
1891811, May 5
 a Scottish architect and civil engineer, particularly remembered for his design for Blackfriars B...
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