an English pirate who was active of the coast of Jamaica during the early 18th century. Although he accepted a royal pardon, he continued raiding shipping, using the caves on the cliffs of Negril to hide his plunder. Pirate hunter and childhood schoolmate Captain John Drudge laid in wait to capture him. After a fierce gun battle, Brown surrendered. He eventually died of wounds. Drudge had Brown's body decapitated and his head pickled so he could collect the reward of £500 offered by the Jamaican government.
 Gallery (1)

 Notes (1)
The Pirates' Who's Who:
(P. Gosse, 1924)
Surrendered to the King's pardon for pirates at New Providence, Bahamas, in 1718. Soon afterwards he surrendered to the Spanish Governor of Cuba, embraced the Catholic faith, and turned pirate once more; and was very active in attacking English ships off the Island...
Nicholas Brownunknown1726

James Plantainunknown1715
 a Jamaican-born English pirate and leader in Madagascar. In 1715, Plantain established a base of ...
Jonas Berntsson Lambert-Wenman1665 ca1680
 Jonas Berntsson Lambert-Wenman was born in Ume, Vsterbotten, Sweden in approximately 1665. He was...
Conajee Angria1669, Aug1698
17291729, Jul 4
 the first notable chief of the Maratha Navy in 18th century India. He fought against the British,...
John Rose Archer16971710
17291724, Jun 2
 An English pirate who was a member of both John Phillips's and Edward Teach' crews. Later became...
Captain William Lewisunknown1710
 from Nassau. Lewis lasted longer than most pirates; his career went on at least from 1717 to 1726...
David Rice [1]unknown1710
 Welsh pirate. Of Bristol. Taken out of the Cornwall galley by Captain Bartholomew Roberts, ...
Christopher Winterunknown1716
 Of New Providence Island. He took a sloop off the coast of Jamaica, the mate on board which was o...
"Admiral" Ainsleyunknown1720
 Ainsley was an Irish pirate.
Henry Barnesunknown1720
 Of Barbadoes. Tried for piracy at Newport in 1723, but found to be not guilty.
James Barrowunknown1720
 Taken by Captain Roberts out of the Martha snow (Captain Lady). Turned pirate and served in the R...
James Belvinunknown1720
17291725, Jun 11
 Bo'son on the Revenge, commanded by John Gow. Said to be a good sailor but somewhat bloodthirsty....
George Bradleyunknown1720
 Master of Captain Fenn's ship, the Morning Star, wrecked on the Grand Caymans in August, 1722. Th...
John Brown [2]unknown1720
 Of Liverpool. One of Captain Harris's crew. Found guilty of piracy at Newport, Rhode Island, in 1...
Ralph Candorunknown1720
 Tried for piracy with the rest of Captain Lowther's crew at St. Kitts in March, 1723, and acquitted.
Edward Cheesmanunknown1720
 Taken prisoner out of the Dolphin, on the Banks of Newfoundland, by the Pirate Phillips in 1724. ...
Pierce Cullenunknown1720
 Member of Phillip Roche's gang.
Thomas Fernunknown1720
 A Newfoundland fish-splitter. In August, 1723, joined with John Phillips in stealing a small vess...
John Fletcher [2]unknown1720
 Of Edinburgh. Tried at Newport, Rhode Island, for piracy in 1723, found "not guilty." His age was...
Cuthbert Gossunknown1720
 Born at Topsham in Devon. The compiler of these biographies regrets to have to record that this p...
Roger Grangeunknown1720
 Member of Captain George Lowther’s crew in the Happy Delivery. Tried for piracy at St. Kitts in...
Richard Hainsunknown1720
 One of Captain Low's crew. When Low took a Portuguese ship at St. Michael's in the Azores in 1723...
Captain John Hamanunknown1720
 He lived all alone with his wife and family on a small and otherwise uninhabited island in the Ba...
Abraham Harper1699 ca1720
 Born at Bristol. He was cooper on board Captain Bartholomew Roberts' Royal Fortune. When the p...
Hugh Harrisunknown1720
 Of Corfe Castle, Dorsetshire. One of Roberts's crew; tried and condemned to be hanged in 1722,...
William Harvey [2]unknown1720
 Tried for piracy with the rest of Gow's crew at Newgate in 1725, and acquitted.
Daniel Hideunknown1720
17291723, Jul
 Of Virginia. One of the crew of Captain Charles Harris, who, with Captain Low, played havoc on th...
Captain Richard Hollandunknown1720
 Commanded a Spanish pirate vessel in the West Indies in 1724. The crew consisted of sixty Spaniar...
Thomas Jones [2]unknown1720
 Found to be "not guilty" at a trial for piracy at Newport, Rhode Island, in 1723. One of Captain ...
William Jones [2]1695 ca1720
 Of London. Age 28. Hanged at Rhode Island, 1723.
Abraham Lacy1702 ca1720
 From Devonshire, England. Hanged at Rhode Island in 1723, age 21.
Captain Laneunknown1720
 In 1720 Lane was one of Captain England's crew when he took the Mercury off the coast of West Afr...
Edward Lawson1703 ca1720
17291723, July
 Born in the Isle of Man. One of Captain Harris's crew. Hanged at Newport, Rhode Island, in July, ...
Sam Levercottunknown1720
17291722, Mar 11
 Member of Captain George Lowther’s crew. Hanged with the rest of Lowther’s crew on the island...
Nicholas Lewisunknown1720
17291722, Mar 11
 Member of Captain George Lowther’s crew. Hanged on the island of St. Kitts, March 11, 1722.
John Lopez [2]unknown1720
 Captain Lowe's quartermaster
Daniel Machaulyunknown1720
17291725, Jun 11
 Pirate from Scotland. Crew member of the Revenge, commanded by John Gow. Captured, tried, and han...
William Mackintosh1701 ca1720
 Of Canterbury in Kent. One of Captain Roberts's crew. Hanged at Cape Coast Castle in 1722 at t...
William Main [1]1694 ca1720
17291722, Apr
 One of Captain Roberts's crew. Hanged in April, 1722, at the age of 28 years.
William Main [2]unknown1720
 Boatswain to Captain Bartholomew Roberts in the Royal Fortune. Was blown up, the explosion being ...
Captain John Masseyunknown1720
17291723, Jul 26
 As a lieutenant, he "served with great applause" in the army in Flanders, under the command of th...
William Melvinunknown1720
 This Scotch pirate was hanged, with other members of Gow's crew, at Wapping in June, 1725.
Stephen Mundon1703 ca1720
17291723, Jul 19
 Of London. Hanged for piracy at Newport, Rhode Island, on July 19th, 1723, at the age of 20.
 Member of Phillip Roche's gang.
John Petersonunknown1720
17291725, Jun
 A Swedish pirate, one of Gow's crew. He was hanged at Wapping in June, 1725.
James Philipsunknown1720
 Formerly of the Revenge, and afterwards in the Royal Fortune (Captain Bartholomew Roberts). When ...
Captain Phillipsunknown1720
 In 1723 this noted pirate took a sloop, the Dolphin, of Cape Ann, on the Banks of Newfoundland. T...
Thomas Powell1702 ca1720
17291723, Jul 19
 Of Connecticut, New England. One of Captain Charles Harris's crew. Hanged at Newport, Rhode Is...
Robert Readunknown1720
 Tried for piracy with Gow's crew at Newgate in 1725, and acquitted.
Salomon Reyndersunknown1720
 18th century Dutch privateer who was born in Bergen (Norway). He died in 1724 at the Cape of Good...
Alexander Robunknown1720
17291724, Jun
 One of Captain Gow's crew. Hanged at Execution Dock, Wapping, in June, 1724. He was not one of th...
Peter Rollsonunknown1720
17291725, Jun
 Captain Gow's gunner in the Revenge. Hanged at Execution Dock, Wapping, in June, 1725.
Robert Sampleunknown1720
 Ship: Flying King, (formerly Mercury) sloop 4 Gunsn
Roger Scotunknown1720
 Born at Bristol. One of Captain Roberts\' crew. Tried for piracy in April, 1722, at Cape Coast Ca...
Peter Scudamoreunknown1720
John Shawunknown1720
17291722, Mar 11
 Member of George Lowther’s crew. Hanged at St. Kitts, March 11, 1722.
William Shutfield1683 ca1720
17291723, Jul
 Of Lancaster. Hanged at Rhode Island in July, 1723, at the age of 40.
Joseph Sound1695 ca1720
 Of the city of Westminster. Hanged, at the age of 28, at Newport, Rhode Island, in 1723.
James Sparksunknown1720
 A Newfoundland fisherman. In August, 1723, with John Phillips and three others, ran away with a v...
Robert Teagueunknown1720
 A Scotch pirate, one of Captain Gow's crew. On May 26th, 1725, the crew were tried in London and ...
John Tomkins1700 ca1720
 Of Gloucestershire. Hanged at the age of 23 at Rhode Island in 1723. One of Charles Harris's c...
William White [1]unknown1720
17291724, Jun 2
 A Newfoundland fish-splitter. With John Phillips and three others, he stole a fishing-boat at St....
Francis Wifeunknown1720
 Member of Phillip Roche's gang.
George Wilsonunknown1720
 Surgeon and pirate. Originally he sailed as surgeon in a Liverpool ship, the Tarlton, which was t...
John Wilson [2]unknown1720
 Of New London County, CT. Tried for piracy in 1723 at Newport, Rhode Island, and acquitted.
John Winterunknown1720
 One of Gow's crew in the Revenge. Hanged in 1725 at Wapping.
William Wood1695 ca1720
17291722, Apr
 One of Captain Roberts's crew. Hanged in April, 1722, at the age of 27.
Daniel Wormallunknown1720
 Master of The Charles, commanded by John Quelch. Attempted to escape from Gloucester, Massachuset...
John Upton16791723
 Born in 1679 of honest parents at Deptford. Apprenticed to a waterman, he afterwards went to sea,...
George Pierse1670 ca1703
17301730 ca
 an English pirate, he worked in the Caribbean. He was a member of the crew of the pirate ship The...
Olivier Levasseur16801716
 a pirate, nicknamed La Buse (The Buzzard) or La Bouche (The Mouth) in his early days, called thus...
Benjamin Perkins1670 ca1703
1731/41710/1731/4 ca
 an English pirate, he worked in the Caribbean. He was a member of the crew of the pirate ship Th...
James Parrot1670 ca1703
17321732 ca
 an English pirate, he worked in the Caribbean. He was a member of the crew of the pirate ship The...
Woodes Rogers1679 ca1705
17321732, Jul 15
 an English sea captain, privateer, and, later, the first Royal Governor of the Bahamas. He is kno...
Captain Miguel Henriquez1674-801700
 a privateer from San Juan, Puerto Rico who operated during the early 18th century. A mulatto born...
Erasmus Peterson1670 ca1703
17351735 ca
 an English pirate, he worked in the Caribbean. He was a member of the crew of the pirate ship The...
Réné Duguay-Trouin1673, Jun 101690
 Privateer......This Breton corsair from St. Malo became so famous for his attacks on British ship...
John Pitman1670 ca1703
17361736 ca
 An English pirate, he worked in the Caribbean. He was a member of the crew of the pirate ship The...
Matthew Pimer1670 ca1703
17371737 ca
 an English pirate, he worked in the Caribbean. He was a member of the crew of the pirate ship The...
John Quittance1670 ca1703
17381738 ca
 an English pirate, he worked in the Caribbean. He was a member of the crew of the pirate ship The...
Captain Raynerunknown1703
 Although there is no direct evidence that Rayner ever sailed the Carolina coast, he did sail with...
Peter Roach1670 ca1703
17411741 ca
 an English pirate, he worked in the Caribbean. He was a member of the crew of the pirate ship The...
Captain Balestrierunknown1709
17421742 ca
 Although Captain Balestrier had a fairly successful and lengthy career (active from 1709 to 1742)...
Lancelot Blackburne1658, Dec 101680
17431743, Mar 23
 an English clergyman, who became Archbishop of York, and – in popular belief – a pirate. He w...
John Templeton1691 ca1703
17431750 ca
 an English cabin boy and worked pirate in the Caribbean. He was a member of the crew of the pirat...
Richard Thurbar1670 ca1703
17441744 ca
 an English pirate, he worked in the Caribbean. He was a member of the crew of the pirate ship The...
Eric Cobham17001720
 a pirate in the early 18th century who with his wife, Maria Lindsey, practiced piracy in the Gulf...
Robert Searleunknown1650
 one of the earliest and most active of the English buccaneers on Jamaica. Nothing, to date, is kn...
Jean Francois Chambrayunknown1687
 Knight of Malta
La Marquise de Fresneunknown1680
 Female pirate. Active late 1600's, Mediterranean Pirate
Captain James Missonunknown1690
 The account of Captain Misson is highly disputed by historians. He is described in the 2nd volume...
Jan Lensunknown1700
 Dutch privateer in the 18th century. Sold one of the prizes he captured, together with Erasmus Mu...
Erasmus Mullerunknown1700
 Dutch privateer in the 18th century. Sold one of the prizes he captured, together with Jan Lens, ...
George Lowtherunknown1720
 an 18th-century English pirate who, although little is known of his life, was active in the Carib...
Maria Lindsey1700 ca1720
 a pirate in the early 18th century who with her husband, Eric Cobham, practiced piracy in the Gul...
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