15581598-16011627, Feb 22
the first Dutchman to circumnavigate the world. His ships were poorly equipped, especially in the way of armament and the crews were unruly. Despite his venture being of limited success, it was the inspiration that led to the formation of the Dutch East India Company.
 Gallery (1)

 Timeline (4)
07/02/1598-Olivier van Noort leaves Rotterdam with four poorly-equipped ships and a plan to attack Spanish ships in the Pacific and to trade with China and the Spice Islands
10/16/1600-Olivier van Noort's ships reach Philippines 
12/14/1600-Olivier van Noort sinks Spanish galleon San Diego at Bay of Manila (350 die) but loses Fortune Island to Spanish fleet
08/26/1601-Olivier van Noort returns to Rotterdam via the Cape of Good Hope completing the first intentional circumnavigation of the globe
Olivier van Noort15581598
16011627, Feb 22

Shirahama Kenkiunknown1585
  a Japanese pirate of the late 16th-early 17th centuries, one of the first Japanese with whom the...
Dirk Gorissenunknown1590
 Privateer active in 1599 from the port of Duinkerken. In this year he was captured and he and his...
Ferdinando d'Aragonaunknown1600
16001600 ca
 Aragon (Spanish) pirate. He served in the Mediterranean and attacked mainly Venetian ships.
Willem Jansenunknown1600
 Dutch corsair based in Duinkerken and one time officer under Jacques Colaert........Dutch private...
Jan Janssenunknown1600
 Captured and converted to Islam in 1618. Became Governor of Oualidia……This Dutch privateer jo...
Edward Joliffeunknown1600
Anthonis Rijcxunknown1585
 Privateer active in the years 1585 - 1601 from Duinkerken. He had a letter of Marque from the Spa...
William Crastonunknown1590
Baltazar de Cordesunknown1598
 a Dutch corsair who fought against the Spanish during the early 17th Century. Born in the Netherl...
Marcantonio Calefati1545, May 11565
16021602, Nov 10
 On 12 March 1568, after he had already participated in the War of Malta (1565) and that of Hungar...
Grace O'Malley15301550
 chieftain of the Ó Máille clan in the west of Ireland, following in the footsteps of her father...
Sir Michael Geare1565 ca1584
 a 16th-century English sailor, privateer and merchant. One of the many Sea Dogs who plagued the S...
Sir James Lancaster15541591
 a prominent Elizabethan trader and privateer, active in India during the late 16th century. In 15...
George Cliffordunknown1558
 an English peer, naval commander and courtier of Queen Elizabeth I. He helped to prepare an exped...
Murat Reis the Elder15341560
 an Albanian privateer and admiral of the Ottoman Navy. He is regarded as one of the most importan...
John Oxenham15361570
 Elizabethan Sea Dog and associate of Sir Francis Drake during the early years of the Anglo-Spanis...
Jan Claasenunknown1590
 Dutch privateer in the service of Spain in 1599. He sailed from the port of Duinkerken. He attack...
Adriaan Dirksenunknown1590
 Dirksen was vice-admiral and member of the board of admirals of Duinkerken in 1597. In May 1599 h...
Amyas Prestonunknown1590
 an English privateer of the Elizabethan period. Prestin came from Cricket St Thomas in Somerset. ...
Elizabeth Shirland15771590
 she was born around 1577 in Devonshire, England. Elizabeth and some of her family joined a group ...
Anthony Shirley15651590
 an English traveller, whose imprisonment in 1603 by King James I caused the English House of Comm...
Cornelius Gollunknown1598
Mahieu Jacobsenunknown1599
 Privateer in the service of Spain at the end of the 16th and at the beginning of the 17th century...
Nicholas Alvelunknown1600
 an English pirate active in the Ionian Sea during the early 17th century. There is very little ad...
Laurens Cortsenunknown1600
 Privateer active in 1601 from the port of Duinkerken. In this year he was captured and he and his...
The Lord of Wackeneunknown1600
 The lord of Wackene, Cathen and Capelle (Anton) was born in the house of Burgundy. He was a priva...
Frans Pleiteunknown1600
 Privateer sailing from Duinkerken. He had a letter of marque from Spain. In August 1600 he sailed...
Frans Willemsenunknown1600
 Privateer sailing from Duinkerken. He had a letter of marque from Spain. In August 1600 he sailed...
George Somers1554, Apr1570
 an English naval hero, knighted for his achievements and the Admiral of the Virginia Company. He ...
Peter Loveunknown1590
 an English pirate, said to have been born in Lewes, Sussex. He was the captain of the Priam, and ...
Toby Glanvilleunknown1600
 Captured in 1613, committed suicide
Richard Bishop1550 ca1561
16171617 ca
 Pirate of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. ..... English pirate. He served in the Mediterra...
William Parkerunknown1587
 an English captain and privateer, and also Mayor of Plymouth. He was born near Plymouth and wa...
Christopher Newport 15611588
 an English seaman and privateer. He is best known as the captain of the Susan Constant, th...
Sir Walter Raleigh1554 ca1569
16181618, Oct 29
 an English landed gentleman, writer, poet, soldier, politician, courtier, spy, and explorer. He i...
John Ward [1]1552/531590
 a notorious English pirate around the turn of the 17th century who later became a Barbary Corsair...
Captain Simon Danziker1579 ca1600
 a 17th-century Dutch privateer and corsair. Danseker and the English pirate John Ward were the tw...
Ivan Dirkie De Veenboerunknown1600
16191620, Oct 10
  a 17th-century Dutch corsair. A privateer during the Eighty Years' War, he later turned to pirac...
Ward [2]unknown1600
 One of the first English pirates to establish himself on the Barbary coast in North Africa. By th...
Jan Janszoon15701600
16291641 ca
 one of the most succesful corsairs of the Mediterranean sea. Like so many Dutch pirates Jan, of t...
Li Danunknown1600
 a prominent early 17th century Chinese merchant originally from Quanzhou in Fujian province. Li o...
Jacob Willekens1564/711590
 a Dutch admiral on a fleet to the Dutch Indies, and a herring seller, who went to sea again at th...
Catalina de Erausounknown1585
 a one-time nun who subsequently travelled around Spain and Spanish America, mostly under male ide...
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