a Portuguese navigator who explored the coasts of North America with João Fernandes Labrador, he was the first to sight the coast of Labrador in North America.
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Portuguese Wikipedia:
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Pero de Barcelos, sometimes referred to as Pedro de Barcelos was a Portuguese navigator who explored the coasts of North America in the XV / XVI. Along with João Fernandes Labrador , it was the first to sight the coast of Labrador in North America in 1492 [CS: act...
Pero de Barcelosunknown1498

John Cabot1450 ca1470
15001500 ca
 an Italian navigator and explorer whose 1497 discovery of parts of North America under the commis...
Bartolomeu Dias1451 ca1480
15001500, May 29
 a nobleman of the Portuguese royal household, was a Portuguese explorer. He sailed around the sou...
Joao Fernandes Lavrador14531498
15011501 ca
 a Portuguese explorer of the late 15th century. He was the first modern explorer in the coasts of...
Nicolau Coelho1460 ca1490
 an expert Portuguese navigator and explorer during the age of discovery. He participated in the d...
Christopher Columbus1451, Oct1473
15051506, May 20
 an Italian explorer, navigator, colonizer and citizen of the Republic of Genoa. Under the auspice...
Diogo de Azambuja14321450
 a Portuguese noble. He was a knight of the Order of Aviz in the service of the Infante Dom Pedro,...
Jean Cousinunknown1480
 a 15th-century French Normand navigator who was said to have discovered the New World in 1488, fo...
Pedro Alvares Cabral14671484
 a Portuguese nobleman, military commander, navigator and explorer regarded as the discoverer of B...
Diogo Diasunknown1490
 a 15th-century Portuguese explorer. He was the brother of Bartolomeu Dias and discovered some of ...
Andre Goncalves [1]unknown1490
 A Portuguese explorer that accompanied Pedro Álvares Cabral in the discovery of Brazil. Gonçalv...
Alonso de Ojeda1465/66/681490
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Luis Piresunknown1490
 a Portuguese explorer who accompanied Pedro Álvares Cabral in the discovery of Brazil, being one...
Amerigo Vespucci1454, Mar 91497
15091512, Feb 22
 an Italian explorer, financier, navigator and cartographer who first demonstrated that Brazil and...
Lourenco de Almeida1480 ca1500
15091508, Mar
 a Portuguese explorer and military commander. He was born in Martim, Kingdom of Portugal, the son...
Pero de Ataide1450 ca1500
15091504, Feb/Mar
 a Portuguese sea captain in the Indian Ocean active in the early 1500s. He was briefly captain of...
Vasco de Ataideunknown1500
 a Portuguese sailor whose ship was a part of Pedro Álvares Cabral 1500 expedition to India. His ...
Joao da Nova1460 ca1500
15091509, Jul
 a Galician explorer of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans at the service of Portugal. He is credited ...
Sebastian de Ocampounknown1500
 a Spanish navigator and explorer. He is believed to have been the first navigator to have circumn...
Diogo Fernandes Pereiraunknown1500
  a Portuguese 16th-century navigator, originally from Setúbal, Portugal. Diogo Fernandes was the...
Francisco de Almeida1450 ca1490
15101510, Mar 1
 a Portuguese nobleman, soldier and explorer. He distinguished himself as a counsellor to King Joh...
Pero de Alenquer1480 ca1500
151091514 ca
 a 15th-century Portuguese explorer of the African coast. Pêro was born in Alenquer, and accompan...
Afonso de Albuquerque1453 ca1471
15151515, Dec 16
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Juan Diaz de Solis14701500
 In 1500 and 1508, Diaz de Solis joined Vincente Pinzón on two voyages exploring along the coast ...
Antony Welserunknown1500
 One of the first Europeans to use the sea route to India discovered by Vasco de Gama.
Diego Velasquez de Cuellar14651490
15191524, Jun 12
 a Spanish conquistador. He first visited the New World with the crew of Christopher Columbus' sec...
Antonio de Abreu1480 ca1500
15191514 ca
 a 16th-century Portuguese navigator and naval officer. He participated under the command of Afons...
Vasco Nunez de Balboa1475 ca1500
15191519, Jan 12/21
 a Spanish explorer, governor, and conquistador. He is best known for having crossed the Isthmus o...
Binot Paulmier de Gonnevilleunknown1500
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Duarte Fernandesunknown1500
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Fernao de Loronha1470 ca1500
15191540 ca
 a prominent 16th-century Portuguese merchant of Lisbon He was the first charter-holder (1502–15...
Ferdinand Magellan14801495
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Duarte Barbosa1480 ca1500
15211521, May 1
 a Portuguese writer and Portuguese India officer between 1500 and 1516–1517, with the post of s...
Vasco da Gama1460s1480
15241524, Dec 24
 a Portuguese explorer. He was the first European to reach India by sea, linking Europe and Asia f...
Goncalo Alvaresunknown1490
 a Portuguese explorer who actively participated in the age of discovery starting from the second ...
Cristovao Jacques1480 ca1500
 a Portuguese noble of Aragonese descent. In 1516, in command of two caravels, he was in charge of...
Piri Reis1467 ca1481
 an Ottoman admiral, geographer, and cartographer. Piri began engaging in government-supported pri...
Sebastian Cabot1474 ca1494
15571557, Dec
 an Italian explorer, likely born in the Venetian Republic. He was the son of Italian explorer Joh...
Pero Escobarunknown1470
 a 15th-century Portuguese navigator who discovered São Tomé, Annobon, and Príncipe islands, to...
Gaspar de Lemosunknown1500
 a Portuguese explorer and captain of the supply ship of Pedro Álvares Cabral's fleet that discov...
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