Anything the early Americans used or ate that grows in the ground and is not a vegetable, grain, fruit, nut or herb will be found in this category.
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This plant is the Smyrnium olustratum of science, and is used in this country in the same way in...

This nutritious fecula is obtained from the roots of a plant which is cultivated in both the Eas...

These are the unopened buds of a low trailing shrub, which grows wild among the crevices of the ...

(Crysanthemum monfolium) Fall-blooming garden perennial. Used for dyeing. See Natural Dye Pro...

Chocolate and Cocoa: Both these preparations are made from the seeds or beans of the cacao-tree,...

The coffee plant grows to the height of about twelve or fifteen feet, with leaves not unlike tho...

This was used by colonial Americans in their diet; unfortunately, at present, we cannot find any...

(Dahlia pinnata) Tuberous-rooted summer garden flower. Used for dyeing. See Natural Dye Proje...

(Solidago spp.) Widely distributed summer- and fall-blooming native. Used for dyeing. See Nat...

(Tagetes) Popular summer blooming garden annual. Used for dyeing. See Natural Dye Projects fo...

The cultivated or garden mushroom is a species of fungus, which, in England, is considered the b...

The elegant nasturtium-plant, called by naturalists Tropoeolum, and which sometimes goes by the ...

Sago is the pith of a species of palm (Cycas circinalis). Its form is that of a small round grai...

This esculent is, for the sake of its roots, cultivated in gardens. It belongs to the Composite ...

Sugar has been happily called "the honey of reeds." The sugar-cane appears to be originally a na...

This excellent farinaceous food is the produce of the pith of the cassava-tree, and is made in t...

The tea-tree or shrub belongs to the class and order of Monadelphia polyandria in the Linnaean s...

Bans Against Tobacco (from 1590 Urban VII may have had the shortest papacy of a...

(Zinnia elegans) Popular summer-flowering annual. Used for dyeing. See Natural Dye Projects f...
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