Perhaps because most of the actual cooking was rudimentary and somewhat bland -- or maybe because there was no refrigeration and meat and fish were frequently "off" -- there was no shortage of sauces to add flavoring or to cover a bad taste. In addition, the colonists came up with a rather large variety of different gravies, preservatives and other toppings to add zest to their food.

Sauces were usually fairly specific to a type of food: red meats, fish, vegetables, etc. Frequently a recipe states "serve with sauce," without specifyng an exact mixture; feel free to experiment to find one that is right for your meal.
Find:        Selected:  

Pie/cake/cookie topping

Seafood sauce

Earliest recipe available

"very good article on the tea-table"

Without cider

"for Geese, Pork, &c."

For puddings

French White Sauce

(to serve with Hot or Cold Roast Beef)

(to serve with Roast Turkey, Fowl, Game, &c.)

(to serve with Roast Turkey, Fowl, Game, &c.)

For roasted fowl

A French Thickening for Gravies and Sauces

Colonial staple

(A French sauce, aka Beurre Noir)

Colonial staple

Flavored butter

Colonial staple

(More Economical)

(the French Sauce Blanche)

Good for seafood

enriched butter

For fish

For roasted fowl

For salads

Great topping for bread

Salad/veggie dressing

Basic gravy

Basic sauce

Colonial preserves

"An Excellent Recipe"

For Roast Meat


Cookie/cake topping

For boiled fowl

Used for "refreshing summer drink"

For Poultry

For Poultry

Seafood sauce

"to serve with Calf's Head, Boiled Eels, and different Fish."

Pancake topping

"to serve with Roast Lamb"

"one of the most useful store sauces to the experienced cook"

Flavoring for sweet dishes

"for a Turkie"

"for Wildfowl, Widgeon, Teal, &c."

Seafood sauce

Great use for basil

(also used as medicine)

"For a scrag of boiled mutton"

Seafood sauce

For Colouring Various Dishes

Colonial jellies

Fruit & coffeecake topping

Fruit & coffeecake topping

for Venison

Tasty snack or dessert topping

Versatile sauce

From walnut shells

Basic gravy
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