1611, Oct 221677, Jun 11
a French moralist and writer. He is sometimes called abbé Esprit despite never having been ordained a priest. His talents were noticed by Pierre Séguier, who rewarded him with a pension and made him a conseiller d'État in 1636. He was elected a member of the Académie française in 1639. Falling into disgrace with Séguier in 1644, he took refuge in the Oratorian seminary. The prince de Conti visited and befriended him, lodging him in his hôtel and giving him 15,000 livres with which to get married. When the prince was made governor of the Languedoc in 1660, Jacques Esprit accompanied him and served him as intendant. On his benefactor's death in 1666, he returned to live in his birthplace of Béziers, where he educated his three daughters and edited a single work, La Fausseté des vertus humaines, and it was there that he died.
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