1777, Mar 101860, Oct 2
a French painter He became a pupil of David, and obtained the Prix de Rome in 1797. In the Salon of 1802 he showed "Metamorphosis of Narcissus", and he continued to exhibit with rare interruptions up to 1831. In 1831 Hersent made his last appearance at the Salon with portraits of Louis Philippe, Marie Amélie and the duke of Montpensier; that of the king though good, is not equal to the portrait of Gaspare Spontini (Berlin), which is probably Hersent's chef-d'œuvre. After this date Hersent ceased to exhibit at the yearly salons. Although in 1846 he sent an excellent likeness of Delphine Gay and one or two other works to the rooms of the Société d'Artistes, he could not be tempted from his usual reserve even by the international contest of 1855.
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